TABAQ TL for Tangband

Alright so I just went ahead and build them. I'll post a little more info tomorrow when I'm awake but the initial graphs show the lower corner just barely above 50Hz, almost exactly as the graphs predict for the other drivers. These things are bass monsters, with 20mm of Xmech they can make my entire garage painfully loud.

That was a fantastically easy build. Finished in record time. It also turns out that a standard air plane pillow that they give out has almost exactly the correct amount of stuffing material for one. I cannibalized 2 that we had from our flight to Hawaii a few weeks ago, I just ripped the cover off and stuck them in there after some stretching actually. I weighed them and they were 4 ounces, which is close to what is called for.

I think they will perform wonderfully for my fellow pole vaulters

Thanks for the excellent design Bjohannesen! I may have to build a few of these for myself with some higher quality drivers at some point. Graphs and pics to come

Nice! Hm, interesting little drivers. A bipole using those would be quite unusual and interesting I think.
Hi Kctess5 - you are faster than me :D
I have enclosed the simulations that shows these drivers will do well in TABAQ, as you already found out. You should not miss bass.

The cabinet might be a little to small for this driver (Vas) - but on the other hand: Small footprint and with a good WAF.

Yes, they are very simple to build.

I now use TB 4" in mine and am very happy with the result - and use the TB 3" in the folded TABAQ BOX.

Hi from


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My Tabaq

Heres a quick picture I took on my mac's built in camera, it's not super high quality but lets be honest, these aren't Mona Lisas...

I don't plan to finish them, there's really no point

I've been listening to there all afternoon pretty much. Off axis response on these drivers is excellent, well, relative to on axis response. I can't get over how good the low end is, my brother came back from college for a few hours today and listened to them and his response was "How is it so good!?" I then discovered the futility of trying to explain a mass loaded transmission line to someone with no background in audio.

As expected though, the high end leaves something to be desired. I'm not too upset by this because they will be used in a boom box sort of setting.

I think I need to make a pair of these for myself with some nicer drivers, maybe some 4" Tang Bands. Whichever have the most Xmech probably.

quarter wave design - the stuffing

Cool! I didn't know that, let me just add it to my mental list of good things about quarter wave resonators real quick

All in all, not bad for a pair of speakers that cost me about $50

P.s. Who knew you could use bookshelf speakers on an actual bookshelf?! Weird, right?


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    Photo on 2012-04-24 at 23.26.jpg
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Hi mondogenerator.

TABAQ was originally design for the 3" YB with a high Qts, which makes it possible to set the tuning of the cabinet well below Fs of the driver. However, TABAQ works well with TB 4" driver with lower Qts - and lower Fs.

To be able to answer your question about Alpair 5 I will need to do some simulations. This driver might need a design of its own.
Hi kctess5,

concerning higher frequencies I suggest you should have a look at the bamboo-cones from Tangband. In post 267 I posted a measurement of the W4-1320SJ in the TABAQ-center. The baffle is little different to the TABAQ-Box but I think the 1320 might be a good 4"-alternative for the TABAQ-Box, too.
Hi kctess5,

concerning higher frequencies I suggest you should have a look at the bamboo-cones from Tangband. In post 267 I posted a measurement of the W4-1320SJ in the TABAQ-center. The baffle is little different to the TABAQ-Box but I think the 1320 might be a good 4"-alternative for the TABAQ-Box, too.

You wanted to say that the TangBand bamboo has good highs? I saw somewhere on the forum that the bamboo models would need a tweeter... don't know why that might be for a 4" driver.
By the way, very impressive low end extension (in you measurements), roll-off point at 33hz! does anybody know if there is a problem with distortion bellow tuning with this TangBand (I presume w4 1320SJ)?

I thought it was unlikely to drop into Tabac with as few changes as the other TB units, but i thought it was an interesting idea. Bjorn if u wish to sim, then that would be interesting, although i wasnt fishing for a free sim! fs = 125, Vas =1.1 litre, qts =0.72
ive used the tl excel sheet on the MJK site but it doesnt like fs as high as 125 hz so im not sure it is accurate at that frequency. Standard vented in 6 litres or more, f3 is around 55hz, i think.
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You wanted to say that the TangBand bamboo has good highs? I saw somewhere on the forum that the bamboo models would need a tweeter... don't know why that might be for a 4" driver.
By the way, very impressive low end extension (in you measurements), roll-off point at 33hz! does anybody know if there is a problem with distortion bellow tuning with this TangBand (I presume w4 1320SJ)?

I am very happy with this bamboo driver concerning the high frequencies. I can hear some high frequencies by doing "chirps" (holmimpulse) that I don't detect with other drivers. I'm quite impressed because my measurement looks very similar to the measurements on the Tangband-website >500 Hz.
2 inch tb?

which 2 inch tb are you going to try? I ask since i have the 2inch tb w2-800sl. Given its fs of 160hz, nearer 200hz when unused, and also very low qts, i would think the w2-800sl wasnt a good choice. I also have a pair of visaton frs5x 2 inch fullrange driver. These have similar fs but higher qts of 0.7, which id guess would be more suitable. Either way these 2 drivers arent going to have a huge dynamic range, and boxsim predicts a shade under 95 db for max output max excursion. I have 6 of the w2-800sl which may go into an array of 3 per side.also i have w3-1285sg which would be ok in tabac if the qts was higher! Pity as these have the eariest sound to live with of the drivers i own including the alpair 5s.
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