TABAQ TL for Tangband

About to build a pair of TABAQ BOX, probably using the 4FE32. Can somebody confirm the components for the BSC?

The original PDF states 6,7Ω in parallel with 1,5mH, however I am struggling to find any high power 6,7Ω resistors. Presumably 6,8Ω 10W is suitable, considering a genuine 6,7Ω resistor would be ±5% tolerance anyway? The photo of the assembled BSC shows a 3.9Ω 7W.

Edit - I suppose I should also ask for advice regarding 4FE32 (neo) vs 4FE35 (ferrite). The neo driver has a QTS of 0.6 while the ferrite is 0.84.
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I have Tabaqs with 4FE32 drivers and use 8.2 ohm (10W) + 1mH (3A air core) BSCs. After playing around with a few resistor values (4.7 to 10 ohms) I like the 8.2 ohms the best for my room and amp. I could not be happier. You might also have to experiment to get what sounds best with your setup. Therefore a good idea is to keep the BSC outside the speaker box.
About to build a pair of TABAQ BOX, probably using the 4FE32. Can somebody confirm the components for the BSC?

The original PDF states 6,7Ω in parallel with 1,5mH, however I am struggling to find any high power 6,7Ω resistors. Presumably 6,8Ω 10W is suitable, considering a genuine 6,7Ω resistor would be ±5% tolerance anyway? The photo of the assembled BSC shows a 3.9Ω 7W.

Edit - I suppose I should also ask for advice regarding 4FE32 (neo) vs 4FE35 (ferrite). The neo driver has a QTS of 0.6 while the ferrite is 0.84.

That depends on the placement of the box in the room. You can try different components, a 1mh + 4ohm, 1,5mh + 4ohm, etc until you get it right. If you want to model the behaviour in the box you can use freeware.
Okay, I won't purchase BSC components just yet & will instead use DSP to find the particular settings that suit my listening setup. This will be trivial, as this pair are for my computer setup.

I can then translate those settings into physical components. Or at least that's what I will tell myself, just like I did with my first pair of TABAQ which live by my TV... which still don't have any physical BSC components years later & still just use the tone controls on the amplifier!
I did a search on the thread and came up with no mentions of the PA130-8. I have a couple of them sitting on the shelf and want to try a folded TABAQ with them. They have a Fs of 83.4Hz and a Qts of 0.51.

Should I start with the 4" sim or would the 5" sim be better suited? It looks like the tuning on the 5" sim is about 43Hz but the PA130-8 has a high Qts which might make it possible.
For a 5". the PA130-8 seems to follow the specs of a 3" !
Now I didn't do a sim, a little busy right now, and the specs do suggest building the original TABAQ design, but....
The PA130-8 is physically too big for the original plans. The TABAQ is 128mm wide, but the PA130-8 is 132mm.
You could widen the front baffle (and shorten the depth to keep CSA) to make it fit.
Living in a third storey apartment with no garage isn't ideal when you have MDF cabinets to sand 🙃

Luckily it's only October, so it's still 9°C outside in the building's courtyard...


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And now the finished product! This was my first time painting MDF & I think they turned out quite nicely considering.

Drivers are 4FE35 (ferrite) as the 4FE32 (neo) are out of stock. They are cheap enough I can easily buy the neo later if I want to compare. At first I thought they were very ugly, but now that I see them against the contrast of the light colour paint I don't hate them so much!

The wooden stands/wedges were made for my previous speakers, but the TABAQ Box sit nice & stable on them even though they overhang.

The sub underneath the desk is not in use.


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And now the finished product! This was my first time painting MDF & I think they turned out quite nicely considering.

Drivers are 4FE35 (ferrite) as the 4FE32 (neo) are out of stock. They are cheap enough I can easily buy the neo later if I want to compare. At first I thought they were very ugly, but now that I see them against the contrast of the light colour paint I don't hate them so much!

The wooden stands/wedges were made for my previous speakers, but the TABAQ Box sit nice & stable on them even though they overhang.

The sub underneath the desk is not in use.

That should be plenty for desktop speakers!

By the way... great taste in mouse/trackball ! Been a fan of the TurboMouse since the very first one! I can't go back to a regular mouse after so many years!
The only little annoying thing is that the scrolling wheel has stopped working after some update to the Mac OS so many years ago. But the first TurboMouse didn't have the wheel so I just got back to old habits.
Thanks for all the praise :)

If you ever do get tired of the look of the faitals, you can cover them with a simple grille - 3d printed frame with cloth stretched over it and hot glued in place is what I did, looks sharp...

Another option I was thinking about was either finding or printing some trim rings - I think I saw somebody earlier in the thread who found some generic ones on AliExpress that worked nicely.

lost eden beautiful job there, I really like the paint, what did you used for it? Looks like bumper spray paint, yes you are right the contrast black vs light colour make the 4FE35 looks good.....enjoy the music now.....all the best

It's regular wall/ceiling paint, applied with a foam roller. I followed the advice from Peter Millard, whose videos are also how I learned what a tracksaw is & how to use it! I was thinking about using spray at first, but with it approaching November here in Scotland it's just too cold & windy to spray paint outside & I don't have any indoor space to do it.

That should be plenty for desktop speakers!

By the way... great taste in mouse/trackball ! Been a fan of the TurboMouse since the very first one! I can't go back to a regular mouse after so many years!
The only little annoying thing is that the scrolling wheel has stopped working after some update to the Mac OS so many years ago. But the first TurboMouse didn't have the wheel so I just got back to old habits.

I'm also a complete convert, I've been using them exclusively for maybe 16-17 years now. That particular one has been going strong since 2007 & the identical one on my desk at work since 2011.