TABAQ TL for Tangband

I was looking at another thread talking about the SB12MNRX2-25-04.

Even though it is called a midrange, it reaches fairly high, and according to members, it behaves like a solid widebander. If one chooses, you could add a tweeter on top to give it some air off axis.

It models nicely in the original TABAQ design.

I will be getting my hands on a pair when I get back home.


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Has anyone done a BSC circuit for a large TABAQ with the W5-1611? I built a pair today and noticed they were a little shy in bass. I'm thinking a BSC would help.
BSC will not give you more bass but attenaute the treble to balance the sound.

If bass is still a problem you could adjust the stuffing.


Merry X-Mas 🎄
Hello, Mike,
The overall feel of the speaker will be more balanced, less shifted towards the mid-higher frequencies, but it will not give you more bass.

I have the W5-1611 and it is a little bass shy for such a driver. It also beams a lot and would benefit from the addition of a tweeter.
I decided to repurpose them into a ported title system for a friend.

We had a power outage the whole Christmas Day here, so no listening to Christmas song! I'll have to do it today! Fortunately, it was only -6C, so it wasn't very cold.

Happy holidays!
Hello, Mike,
The overall feel of the speaker will be more balanced, less shifted towards the mid-higher frequencies, but it will not give you more bass.

I have the W5-1611 and it is a little bass shy for such a driver. It also beams a lot and would benefit from the addition of a tweeter.
I decided to repurpose them into a ported title system for a friend.

We had a power outage the whole Christmas Day here, so no listening to Christmas song! I'll have to do it today! Fortunately, it was only -6C, so it wasn't very cold.

Happy holidays!
Hi Perceval,
Thanks for that info. I might use the driver in a different configuration. I am trying to wrap my mind around crossovers, so maybe this will make a good project, combining it with a tweeter. It looks like the tweeter won't need to go very low, so it might be a relatively simple way to start. Any suggestion what other drivers might work well in the large TABAQ?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Get XSim to start playing with XO. A very good tool to learn how things work.

Adding a tweeter to the W5 might be just as easy as putting a small cap on it. The W5 starts to beam at about 6kHz, so crossing around 8kHz should be fine.

I'm sorry, I'm still on the lookout for a 5" driver that does not beam too much and has good low end... physics are a bit in the way here! :)
So far, only some 4" driver fit that bill.

I'm also trying to get my hands on the SBA SB12MNRX2-25-4, which looks promising.
Get XSim to start playing with XO. A very good tool to learn how things work.

Adding a tweeter to the W5 might be just as easy as putting a small cap on it. The W5 starts to beam at about 6kHz, so crossing around 8kHz should be fine.

I'm sorry, I'm still on the lookout for a 5" driver that does not beam too much and has good low end... physics are a bit in the way here! :)
So far, only some 4" driver fit that bill.

I'm also trying to get my hands on the SBA SB12MNRX2-25-4, which looks promising.
Madisound has the drivers on sale for $42.00. Are they not available in your neck of the woods? Can a private party ship them to you and avoid the customs fees? I'd be willing to do so if that's a legitimate possibility.
I've got a few 5"-6" drivers I might try in the TABAQ larges I built. I recently bought a UMIK 1 mic and a miniDSP, so maybe I can learn something about all this so I can build one of my own designs. I'll be retiring in about 17 months and I want to have a have a few solid hobbies to take with me, so I've been thinking more and more about designing my own speaker(s) rather than just building others' designs.
I have a distributor for SBA, but he doesn't carry that model. I'm trying to get them on a special order, but it will take a few months.
Thanks for the offer. I'll get back to you if I can't get them easily.

When trying different drivers, it helps making a removable baffle. Doesn't need to be the whole baffle, just the driver area, a plywood board that you can replace according to drivers' bezels.

Retiring and having hobbies is a great way to not be bored and stay young! :)
I see it all too often... people work work work, then hit retirement and are bored because they didn't think about it!
I will also be doing speakers as a hobby when I retired, that was my plan. We'll see. I have a few more years to go, but me and the wife are keeping options opened. If it happens earlier, then why not! :)
I have a distributor for SBA, but he doesn't carry that model. I'm trying to get them on a special order, but it will take a few months.
Thanks for the offer. I'll get back to you if I can't get them easily.

When trying different drivers, it helps making a removable baffle. Doesn't need to be the whole baffle, just the driver area, a plywood board that you can replace according to drivers' bezels.

Retiring and having hobbies is a great way to not be bored and stay young! :)
I see it all too often... people work work work, then hit retirement and are bored because they didn't think about it!
I will also be doing speakers as a hobby when I retired, that was my plan. We'll see. I have a few more years to go, but me and the wife are keeping options opened. If it happens earlier, then why not! :)
Can you describe what you mean by a removable baffle? Would an enclosure be necessary too? If so, would something around 1 cubic foot be good?
for a 5" or 6" driver, just follow the TABAQ large plans.

I made a template in HornResp of the TABAQ. I just need to key in the driver's specs and I look at the sim. If it looks good, I'll try it. If it has horrible spikes, I look for another driver and don't lose my time! :)
Most of the time, the only adjustment you'll need is to play with vent size or length to have a smoother knee.
Very flat TABAQ and the best sounding kitchen in town.

Hello everyone. This is my first post. My name is Dirk and I am from Dortmund, Germany.
I built a TABAQ whose baffle is only 76 mm wide. Exactly as wide as the dimensions of the Peerless speakers. The cabinets are made of 9mm MDF and inside additionally weighted with leftovers of floor tiles. Otherwise, the cross-sections and damping comply with the specifications.
They hang in the kitchen lengthwise under the ceiling.

They are driven by a Raspi 2B with a DAC plugged in, which has an integrated 2*25 watt amplifier. At the moment everything is in an old lunchbox. Music software is the great music player Moode.

Because of the special mounting and the narrow baffle I decided to use a frequency response measurement with REW.
I transferred the partly strong adjustments into the parametric equalizer of Moode and then adjusted it a little bit to my felt ideal.

What can I say: fantastic, an extremely pleasant long-term sound with lots of volume around the bottom. And they can play really loud without sounding sharp.
I have never had a better sounding breakfast.

Compared to my 40 times more expensive Dynaudio speakers on the Revox amplifier, it's hard to believe what the small Peerless speakers can do.

At the moment I thank Bjorn with every coffee and wine and beer.

Dirk Doonion


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