TABAQ TL for Tangband

Congratulations Dirk! Not just for building the Tabaqs successfully, but for the whole project – very neat integration. Don’t feel embarrassed about the lunchbox – my enclosures are planks mostly and I am not the only member with plank amps.

You have a ruler flat response to be envied. I am also running my Tabaqs from a RPi 2B + DAC with Moode as source, but I have not had the guts to master REW and parametric EQ. These are steep learning curves at my age. Maybe you can help me.

Which Peerless drivers did you use?
glad some like it.
If anyone wants to recreate it, here is a screenshot from fusion360.
I'm really bad at using fusion, but if anyone wants to rebuild it, I'd try adding the dimensions.

@ twocents
This one:
PLS-P830987, think it's the same one Bjorn recommends

Using REW is not particularly complicated.
If you want, I'll try to create a description of my setup and procedure.
I'm not an audio professional, but it may be useful as a basis for discussion.
Oh yes, those drivers are absolute winners in the Tabaq.

No need for REW discussion here - there is another thread about using it elsewhere. I sent you a private message regarding this.
I'm planning a Spring/Summer project - building the TABAQ folded (bookshelf) with 3" or 4" drivers. But having read through this and related threads, it seems there are 3-4 design variations. I was hoping to get some feedback from those who have built or heard any of these designs. The most likely use case is desktop/near-field listening from about 3-4 ft distance, speakers approx spread 4 ft apart.

Driver options depend on availability. I'm leaning towards the Peerless 830897 or the FaitalPro 4FE32 but both are difficult to source right now. Is the Dayton Audio PS95-8 a viable option with its higher Fs and Qts in a folded TABAQ? Other suggestions?

Folded designs I'm considering;

1. Bjorn's design (top port - or bottom if raised): BOX Cabinet build.pdf

2. yljhao's design (front port):

3. luigiman's design (front port):

4. enta's update of luigiman's design (front port):

Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.
Hi @thecas999, great choice for a project! You'll love the TABAQs! Also welcome to the forum.

I can't comment too much on your driver choice as I have only built TABAQs with the 3FE22 and 3FE25. I would say that these may be a good choice for near field listening because they have such a pronounced rising response that I find my builds almost more pleasant to listen to fairly off axis, at least for most genres. But you should note that my front port design is specifically sized for the 3in FaitalPro drivers, it's a little smaller than the standard alignment.

Of course, the 4in Faitals should give you a little more low end. And I would point out that the FaitalPro drivers of either size are much more efficient than the Peerless...

Wow, I've never seen yljhao's thread (I promise!). In 2010 he came up with almost the exact folding that I came up with years later. Obviously my idea was to get the port on the front, which just feels right, even if in practice it doesn't make much difference...

Good luck!
Hi @thecas999, great choice for a project! You'll love the TABAQs! Also welcome to the forum.


And thanks for the helpful info. The TABAQ in all its variations has me fascinated. @Bjohannesen 's design is remarkable, with successful implementations using 2", 3", 4", 5", even 8" drivers - even more so because he's still around supporting this thread, along with people like you. It's awesome.

For your folded version, I am curious how/where you're using them. As I read more, it seems like the top port can get some boundary reinforcement from the vertical wall behind it. If I flip that, do you have any idea how far off the surface the port needs to be? How tall do the feet need to be?

If I have a front ported design on a small stand or foam to control vibration on my work surface, would that mean less bass? I know you're using the FaitalPRO 3" which is already a bit lighter on bass than some other options, and it sounds like you're still very happy. I'm just trying to understand the various trade-offs. But it sounds like I really can't go wrong with any of these options.

Likely I'm overthinking this....I probably should just decide and get building!

Thanks again.
For your folded version, I am curious how/where you're using them. As I read more, it seems like the top port can get some boundary reinforcement from the vertical wall behind it. If I flip that, do you have any idea how far off the surface the port needs to be? How tall do the feet need to be?

If I have a front ported design on a small stand or foam to control vibration on my work surface, would that mean less bass? I know you're using the FaitalPRO 3" which is already a bit lighter on bass than some other options, and it sounds like you're still very happy. I'm just trying to understand the various trade-offs. But it sounds like I really can't go wrong with any of these options.
You'll get boundary reinforcement of the bass no matter where the port is, if you put the speaker up against a wall (half space). More so if against a wall and on the floor (quarter space). So me, I'm a cheapskate, and I don't even want to bother buying the components for a BSC. So I just put the speakers on the floor, against the wall, and as perceval says listen a little off axis, and bosh, great bass from a 3in driver.

But my projects are built on a budget, basically how little money can I get good sound for. And full disclosure on my home system I have a (homemade, cheap Amazon amp and repurposed drivers from an old hifi) sub. If you are doing a one off project and want to get better results, spend the money/time for 4in drivers (or 5in, I have heard the Tang Band W5-2143 in a TABAQ, and those speakers are amazing!), BSC, and whatever else your research leads you to...

I can't comment on how tall the feet need to be for the top/bottom port version, and also I'm not sure how foam pads under the front port version would affect things. I'm not an expert...but there are others here who can help I'm sure.

I do think that the front port just looks good. here are some pics...mostly to feed my ego :)



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If you are doing a one off project and want to get better results, spend the money/time for 4in drivers (or 5in, I have heard the Tang Band W5-2143 in a TABAQ, and those speakers are amazing!), BSC, and whatever else your research leads you to...
I'm planning to build 2-3 sets if I'm as happy as I hope to be with the finished product. I considered the large tabaq as well, but honestly, I hate beaming. I'll give up some overall finesse for better off-axis performance. Speakers that are finicky about placement and/or listening position start to annoy me. That's why the 3" or 4", likely with a BSC, and a more nearfield listening environment are more appealing for the first go around. I'll start with the Peerless and/or Faital's and see how it goes.

Thanks for sharing the photos. (Nice Sony grill too!) I agree, the front port looks good.
I'm planning to build 2-3 sets if I'm as happy as I hope to be with the finished product. I considered the large tabaq as well, but honestly, I hate beaming. I'll give up some overall finesse for better off-axis performance. Speakers that are finicky about placement and/or listening position start to annoy me. That's why the 3" or 4", likely with a BSC, and a more nearfield listening environment are more appealing for the first go around. I'll start with the Peerless and/or Faital's and see how it goes.

Thanks for sharing the photos. (Nice Sony grill too!) I agree, the front port looks good.
I think anyone who has heard them will agree that the W5-2143 drivers are somewhat unique in that they don't beam as much as most 5 inchers. I have heard both these and the plastic cone version whose code I can't recall in TABAQs, and just really are amazing speakers. My friend has a pair in his very small living room, sitting on a dresser, and they sound great...
Hi there! It took me a while (10 months!), but finally build the speakers with the FPro 3fe22. The 2020 version for 3" with the modified port and 80 grams of stuffing. I am listening to them right now as I am writing. They sound great, and everything's ok with the amp. Bass is not so deep, but pure and undistorted. The only drawback are the higher frequencies that go rather wild. I put the speakers against the wall, and thought that maybe I could manage it with the treble control, but I think I'll need to build the BSC circuit. Anyway, I wanted to drop by and say thank you. I will upload some pictures of the build later.
Thanks Perceval! Any particular recommendation on the BSC? Online calculators gave me 0.8 mH for the inductor and 6 ohms for the resistor (3fe22 manufacturer values and a 10cm width enclosure). Any other component? I've read Oon recommended adding a condenser for overexcursion protection and somebody else suggested a notch filter. I don't want to put too much electronics on it, but neither too little.
A mic and REW will tell you exactly what you need.
It's the price of DIY.

I haven't done a build with the Faitals, plus I have no idea what sounds good to you.
So, any advice is to be taken as what it is... a wild guess.

Usually, for BSC and the TABAQ, we recommend 1mH and the amount of resistor you think sounds good enough.
Maybe other Faital builders can chime in.
Hello! First of all, thanks to Bjørn and everyone who has contributed to this thread, there's a lot of great ideas and passionate people involved.

I just finished my first TABAQ build, a folded 3FE25. The build was a lot of fun, my first time cutting panels as opposed to assembling a flatpack, but I'm not in love with the results right now. The driver is a bit too bright, still working on the BSC. Settled on 1mh coils and 10hm resistors with the parts I had on hand, going to switch to 1.5mh and try again with a few different resistors.

I also ordered the W3-2141 to build the TABAQ 2020 as well and I'm hoping someone can help me confirm Bjørn's notes on the lower tuning model for this driver. "The line has been extended by 3 inch, the port is 5 inch" means that the chamber will be 85.0cm tall and the port length will be 12.7cm?



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