TABAQ TL for Tangband

I have complied a TABAQ Build Quick Reference Index of useful posts for members new to these amazing speakers, just to help them find their feet in this long thread. This was done with Bjørn’s consent. Have a look and please feel free to PM me if you find any errors or think we should add some more posts or drivers the the list.

I have also included two other documents that could help builders in the future. The new documents are added to the bottom of Post #1.

Have fun! as Bjørn always says.
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Good Evening to everybody, I had a very bad experience, while testing an amplifier my TB W5-2143 literally "fried" even the smell come up
was the smell of french fries, dammmm I was so sad I really loved that driver on the large Tabaq but still is done it nothing to do, at least I learn
next time to test defective amplifier with cheap speaker, but anyway I am as a lot of you know in Philippines and budget at the moment is limited
so I cannot afford to buy again that driver in US or other place with hight delivery cost so the only possibility is by some China product from the local online market Lazada, problem is the size I could not find some driver to match the hole until I found this driver here the link , around 70$ per pair, even not so cheap, but anyway arrived mounted and sound is quite ok of course not really matching Tabaq requirement for the time being is ok, I also just measured with Rew and this is the result, I have to try with a notch around 5/6 Khz, ok for now and all the best to everybody.


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Oh, I wish you would have told us before you went to buy new drivers.

Was it both drivers that got fried or only one?

You know, TB is a Taiwanese company.... and I'm in Taiwan. That's not very far from the Ph. :)

If you are still interested in getting one or a pair of 2143, give me a shout.
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Good Evening to everybody, I had a very bad experience, while testing an amplifier my TB W5-2143 literally "fried" even the smell come up
was the smell of french fries, dammmm I was so sad I really loved that driver on the large Tabaq but still is done it nothing to do, at least I learn
next time to test defective amplifier with cheap speaker, but anyway I am as a lot of you know in Philippines and budget at the moment is limited
so I cannot afford to buy again that driver in US or other place with hight delivery cost so the only possibility is by some China product from the local online market Lazada, problem is the size I could not find some driver to match the hole until I found this driver here the link , around 70$ per pair, even not so cheap, but anyway arrived mounted and sound is quite ok of course not really matching Tabaq requirement for the time being is ok, I also just measured with Rew and this is the result, I have to try with a notch around 5/6 Khz, ok for now and all the best to everybody.
Back at the far past in 1976 I was baked a pair of very expensive Celestion woofers. I learned to wind coils and centering them accurately. So I propose you to find "a speaker repairing" laboratory employed by patient technician that he will carefully remove the TB W5-2143 coil, clean the original coil form and rewind it (preferably with square cross section copper wire).
All the best
Elias thank you for the tip as second chance I will for sure look for somebody able to recoil the 2 speaker, but do you think if somebody do that the driver will be exactly as a new one?
Yes .They will if the job completed properly. There is a second case also. Maybe TB sells "spare coils" for repairs. Ask them for.
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Thank you Perceval, yes of course I thought of you immediately, but first I do not like disturb people second I was rushing to have the speaker working but if you are so kind to help when I want to replace the 2143 I will contact you....thank you again
no problem

I'll be here when you are ready.
Locally, I see I can get them for about 3,500 Philippine pesos. But the distributor seems out of stock.
I can try to contact TB directly to see if they have some in stock.
i had some 18mm ply to spend so sides are cut the same...i dont know is it good or no this way :D idea was small MLTL with FR for cca 15m2 room, simplistic to run with RS1003 Se tube amp (7w) ...speakers were developed with the amp together
here are pics , port calc .. port is some visaton regular model...shortened to 50mm

constr and stuffing

w. the amp
it's been a long time since you built them :D
Are you still listening to these speakers and are you happy with how they sound? I would also like to make such enclosures, but there is a slight difference between your drawings and the actual enclosure, so I ask if their height is still 930mm? And is there anything you would have done differently?
Thanks to Bjorn and others for keeping this resource alive and evolving for so many years--something newbie DIYers like myself can stumble upon and spend many hours reading about these speakers! There was some discussion about using a coax speaker (4" Dayton CX120-8) and more recently the SBA coax. Has anyone tried a TABAQ coax, and what was your experience with that?
Thanks, Art
Hi everybody,
I was thinking about maybe building something new. I like the look of speaker designs that are wider than they are deep. It then hit me, could you do a folded tabaq, but with the driver on the side? Would require a different baffle step compensation, but the transmission line should work in the same way. Have it been tested?

To clearify what I mean, below is Entas' design from #2995 ( with red ring showing my idea on alternative driver placement.

tabaq folded alt design question.png
Thanks for the replay. I'm sketching on a tabaq box with the driver on the wide side.

Need to decide on the driver before I finalize. The Peerless 830987 is called "the star" in a tabaq. But i
I want a circular driver. Is there a fully circular version of this? Otherwise I guess I go for any of the tang band W3s 😊

One thing I failed to find the answer to, even though I guess it has been asked before. Is it OK to change the shape of the port? Keeping length and area, but make it round?
I would love to build a 60mm x 7m long port one day, just for the kick of it! ;)
2.8Hz sounds cool! ha ha!

q77, as GM said, the shape of the port matters little, as long as it has the same CSA and length.

Also, I wouldn't pick "any" TB W3 drivers. Some are better than others.
If you like a response reaching higher, the 3" are good.
If you want a bit more oomph down low, the 4" are better suited. Depends on your listening preferences.