TABAQ TL for Tangband

After reading much of this thread, and some reviews of the Dayton RS100-4, I've been considering a build of a TABAQ type cab.

I have a couple of questions regarding the choice of driver, and the tuning of the line.

Wouldn't the use of the Dayton mentioned above require a lengthening of the line to get full bass performance from that driver, who's Fs is considerably lower than the 3" drivers the line was designed for. ( 87 vs 110 Hz. )

That Dayton driver has a cone that is very similar in size to the 3" drivers recommended for the enclosure, but it is slightly larger, would a slight increase in cabinet Sd be in order? I have no idea what change may be needed to the port.

In the past when I've built TL type enclosures, I've "tuned" the bass to taste by varying the stuffing until I was satisfied with the amount and quality of the bass. I've never had the benefit of Mr. Kings simulation software to suggest a good starting point though.

I seem to recall Mr, Johannesen tuned the original TABAQ to about an octave lower than the Fs of the driver. That would make a line for the Dayton needing to be tuned to 43-44 Hz. wouldn't it?


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No, you don't want to or need to change the length as it is a mass loaded TL which means it uses the port constriction to pull the tuning frequency lower than the natural 1/4 wave frequency of the TL - and it requires a driver with a moderate Qts to allow low frequencies below fs to be reached. 55Hz is about as low as you want to tune any 3.5in driver. The design is quite flexible to various drivers and this one is right in the ball park to keep things the same. You may need to tweak the BSC and adjust stuffing to taste. The RS100-4 is a great driver - you may also like the Dayton PS95-8. Other ones to think about or try include Faital Pro 3FE22 and 3FE25, Dayton RS100P-4, Vifa TG9FD, and Vifa TC9FD. All should work reasonably well and the Vifa's will give you the flattest frequency response and smoothest mids. The PS95-8 will have the brightest HF presentation but have more of a cone breakup. Basically any 3in driver from the Subjective Comparison thread can be used.
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TABAQ Dayton RS100

Hi mightym xrk971 is absolutely right.

For a long time, this was the candidate for Kvart & Blge, Audiophile Quarter Wave Full Range Loudspeakers

It will work perfectly in TABAQ. I did several sims to see if there was a better design for this driver, but got to the conclusion no modifications would be needed.

Please take a look at the simulation attached.



  • Dayton_RS100_Analysis.png
    38.5 KB · Views: 901
Thanks Bjorn, Perceval

I managed to find the referenced thread with a little looking, at first I thought it was a list inside this thread.

I hate to keep going at you Bjorn, but....I have another question. I planned to use this with a Class D amp based on the TI TPA3116 chip set. The 4 Ohm version would be my choice. I don't see any material differences, except for a small reduction in Qts. The 4 Ohm version should be suitable as well?

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Hi mightym xrk971 is absolutely right.

For a long time, this was the candidate for Kvart & Blge, Audiophile Quarter Wave Full Range Loudspeakers

It will work perfectly in TABAQ. I did several sims to see if there was a better design for this driver, but got to the conclusion no modifications would be needed.

Please take a look at the simulation attached.


Congratulations on the success of your speaker company. It looks like it is selling all over the place. When you are a product on Amazon that is pretty cool.

I didn't know it was made of rolled sheet aluminum with a cast iron base. Very clever use of non traditional speaker building materials.

Can I ask which Tymphany driver you settled on for the product?
The PS95-8 will have the brightest HF presentation but have more of a cone breakup. Basically any 3in driver from the Subjective Comparison thread can be used.[/QUOTE]

X, I asked about this particular driver in the TABAQ TL in a previous post. PERCEVAL gave me some 'kinda/sorta' info, but nothing concrete. Anyway I want to use this driver in Bjorn's design, for a build I am giving to my brother. I was hoping not to have to use a BSC, but if I use a 1.0 MH inductor and 3.9 OHM resistor, will that take care of the response issue I.E. cone break up? I would very much value your wisdom, as I am not as keen on all the design software you guys use. I just try and build the 'Tried and True' designs that you guys so graciously provide to the rest of us! I appreciate any input you may have. I am hoping that I will also get the 55HZ lower end as well?:scratch:

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I have read most of this thread with great interest, thanks to Bjorn and all who have contributed. I would like to build a set, possibly bipoles, and have this amp to drive them with:

NuVo NV-P2100 High Effeciency Audio Amplifier

This should work well with an Ipod that has its own volume control, but I would like to add a turntable, which will require some sort of preamp control. Any (inexpensive) ideas? Looking forward to some great sound!
Founder of XSA-Labs
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The PS95-8 will have the brightest HF presentation but have more of a cone breakup. Basically any 3in driver from the Subjective Comparison thread can be used.

X, I asked about this particular driver in the TABAQ TL in a previous post. PERCEVAL gave me some 'kinda/sorta' info, but nothing concrete. Anyway I want to use this driver in Bjorn's design, for a build I am giving to my brother. I was hoping not to have to use a BSC, but if I use a 1.0 MH inductor and 3.9 OHM resistor, will that take care of the response issue I.E. cone break up? I would very much value your wisdom, as I am not as keen on all the design software you guys use. I just try and build the 'Tried and True' designs that you guys so graciously provide to the rest of us! I appreciate any input you may have. I am hoping that I will also get the 55HZ lower end as well?:scratch:


I think about 0.8mH (as high as 1mH) and 4 to 6 ohms should work - up to you to adjust and choose what you like. It should hit 55Hz no problem as it has a moderately high Qts.
Thanks X, you gave me exactly what I needed to feel confident the build would turn out fine. I am currently building two sets of these for my grandchildren with the Tang Band W3-881SJ w/ the Neo Magnets. One pair ready to paint and the other pair fixing to be cut on the table saw.:bullseye:

Thanks for Your Insight,

"Thanks to Bjorn for the wonderful design as well!":)

I am planning to Build TABAQ using either

Dayton RS-100-8 or

Tymphany TC9FD - 8

I can source both the driver easily here in india

Which one do you think sounds better for TABAQ
without changing any design ?

Do i need BSC for both ?

Thank you for your time,

Looking forward for your reply

Both are great drivers. The RS100 has some breakup and ringing due to aluminum cone but has more xmax and better bass extension. TC9FD has smoother response and great vocals. RS100 looks nicer with metal frame and phase plug. TC9FD is more than half the price. Hard choice.

Thank you for quick reply xrk971

If you were to choose which one would you start with ?

do i need BSC if i keep the speaker against the wall ?
