Terry Cain's BIB -why does it work and does anyone have those Fostex Craft Handbooks?

Its frustrating to be reminded of some of this great 80's music - I did a big clear out of my vinyl when I sold my turntable setup 10 or so years ago and a lot of great stuff went out the door. Well I have a turntable again and trying to find some of the old recordings I had. One 12" 45 I had as a ref for a real punchy rock sound was Queen "Breakthrough", managed to get a copy of that at least (bit scratchy tho).

Thanks guys for the hints, I start to see the light......

Peter : I'll see after building the BIB if my ampli works well with Monacor's dark side, I actually own a SS ExposureX.
I saw post ago that you tweaked a bit the drivers, in the near future I will bother you for those mods.
And you mentioned also about the 155x. I've checked again monacor catalogue and considered the specs; I'm not an expert though they don't seem really interesting. But there's also a SPH-68x/AD that maybe spot a bit more on the hights....

Scott: can you explain me how to adapt the SM dim for that driver, I think I could try both and keep the worst for a PC speaker (Better than use my Harbeth HP3 for a stupid PC - respect! -)

Hey, nice to see that 80's keep the long wave.... but try also this ---> Portished - Dummy (stunning and nice vinyl).

Greetings to Chris, what a wonderful BIB! And don't be sad, in the near future we'll see re-printed true gems of 80's. tht's for sure!

CiaO. Fab.
You mean how to calculate WxD for the SPH-60X? ~optimal conical expansion would mean 6.2in wide and 9in deep internally, with the dimensions rounded to the nearest reasonable figures. Terminate the internal baffle 4.5in from the front and rear internal cabinet walls, and 4.5in from the floor. Assuming you use 3/4in material, that would give you a cabinet externally 7.7in wide, and 11.25in deep.

The SPH-68X looks like a better driver than the 155 if you want a bit more energy up-top.

Dummy's pretty good. I prefer Polly Harvey's 'To Bring You My Love' though...
Hi Scott,

Well, no, I was considering the Dims for SPH68X/AP. Looked the specs and They are different (of course) in some parameters.

So I thought It would be necessary to modify Sm dim for that driver. Maybe not, I don't know what is involved in Sm calculation dim.....

I got P.J.Harvey LP, yes, great!

Vinyl Rule!!!

Ciao Ciao

BIB Bass Horns!


Very loose... here is the page i have been working on. Scott provided the designs and charts. I have been very busy with the kiddes (summertime fun) at work and with Krav Maga training too, so it's hard to find the time to dedicate to the BIB site... I havent even finished my BIB yet!!!

I will add pics of the drivers as soon as i can.

I need to post scotts bib designs for the fostex f120a, fx120, fx200.

I also got some more BIB pics i'd like to post too... thanks for your patience.

Lately i have been listening to cheapo open baffles and the SI amp at the office and my old laptop directly connected to my Cary tube amp at home... there is construction going on at home so the fostex 168 ported cabs have been moved away from the dust and replaced temporarily with RS 1197 based aperiodic boxes. LOL, I am all screwed up and dont have a decent system to listen to anywhere... everythings all crazy these days.

Enjoy the BIB Bass Horns! I hope the page loads for everyone.

how to stuff a BIBby?

I need to get hold of the parts (from parts express) for my first DIY speaker using the BIB cabinet.

Since it is my first speaker, what part (preferrably with the parts # or webpage) do I need, in particular how do I make the sound insulator stick to the cabinet?

any other help will be greatly appreciated.

Nice work Jeff, as always, and another huge vote of thanks on behalf of all of us for hosting these pages.

You don't need to go to Parts Express. Personally, I'd just find a cheap textile shop, and get a couple of pillows which have hollow fibre stuffing (basically Dacron). That's the stuff to use. It doesn't really need sticking to the cabinet; it'll jam up there fairly well, and the driver's magnet will keep it in place. Alternatively, screw a couple of eye-bolts into the side-walls, stretch some string / whatever between them, and put said stuffing above that. That will hold it up nicely. While you're at it, see if you can find some thin cork to line the front face of the internal baffle -useful little tweak.
BIB and 80's music!

Well managed to pick up a copy of "The colour of spring" on vinyl in reasonable condation, plus PGs "So" and "welcome to the pleasuredome" (all of which I owned in the past) for around 1/2 the cost of a new CD - can't argue.

So cranked up the turntable and on went Colour of Spring (yes, lights out!). At good sound levels this sounds awesome, the drum kit and in particular the kick drum are very impressive. In vinyl mode I decided to drag out the 12" 45 version of Queens "Breakthrough". This is a bit of a torture test with VERY powerful kick drum, in the past even dedicated subs hav had trouble with this - you kinda sit there ready to leap up and catch the cone as the driver spits it out! Well, again at healthy levels, the BIB-168 really punches this one out, I think I can say I have never heard it sounding so clean and powerful - these things are AWESOME!!!

Course there is the psycho-acoustic thing and been a while singce I heard them on my RD75 ribbon/12" Adire subs on this track but I am sure the BIB-168 is giving a much more powerful delivery - and from a delicate 6" driver WOW!!


Glad I feel your gladness....throaty and live is the sound, and those things get better and better.

Scott or anyone, ...care to guess what kind of horn gain we are looking at with the 94.5 db FE168EZ?

... Chris commented on this db gain a compari the Brines MLTL. The Sig is an honest 94.5db, and becomes abit more sensitive and loosens up over time, but in the BIB it seems to be a VERY sensitive, articulate and dynamic speaker, and I would add that 2 watts pushes it along with Real Authority. ...My SEX amp, (which Blumenco built with Luv) now with Jensen caps and Magnequest iron for added sweetness and grunt, + the Monica 2 DAC, is an amazingly musical little kit.
A lot. It keeps the output flat at about that figure down to 38Hz; the driver on an infinite baffle would be 15db down at that frequency.

Bring room-gain into play, and you're looking at ~100 db 1/w 1/m depending on the room and cabinet position. I could be off there, but probably not by much. These things provide one of the few single driver loads that actually works with music containing big dynamic swings -large orchestral pieces, well recorded rock etc.
Yes, that seems to be a big difference between the FE167 and FE168EZ tho I havn't heard the 167 in a BIB. The 167/Brines somehwat "closes down" on powerful music I have listened to where as the 168s just seem to keep on going sounding tight and clean. Must try some of the live albums I have - Peter Gabriel and Thin Lizzy spring to mind.

I realise I have been making some comparrisons between BIB and the FT-1600 Brines cabs in my posts. Just want to set the record straight - I really like the FT-1600/FE167s and will continue to use them tho the FE168EZ/BIB will be in my main system. The comparrisons may be a bit unfair in that I compared the FE168EZ in both the BIB and in the FT-1600 - that cab is tuned for the 167 and not optimised for the 168 (tho prolly not far off).

Hi Scott,

If you would be so kind as to model these parameters for me I would be very grateful.

They are for a Fostex FE208 Sigma, the old style full range speaker. I actually have two sets, one is the published and another set are measured. The Vas is almost 2X in the measured ones


Impedence 8 ohm
Fs 45 Hz
SPL 96.5 dB/W/M
RE 6.7 OHM
Qts 0.21
Qms 4.03
Qes 0.23
Vas 36.9

From a Klang and Ton article on the Jerico Horn they had these...

Re 6.4
Fs 44Hz
Qm 2.73
Qe 0.18
Vas 79 Liters

Basically the same except for the Vas being "slightly" larger.

I would like to believe the measured parameters so please use those.

I built the Jerico's years ago and am hoping to make sawdust this weekend and was going to make BIB's for my FE166ES-R's but I could compare the Jerico with the 208 BIB and hear for myself the difference in the enclosures.

Thanks in advance.

Hello all,

You've convinced me this simple to build enclosure really works. Now, which to build?

Dan, if your out there. You've pushed the 168ez as about as good as it gets, but now Jim has

blazed the trail for the Hemp driver, I need your [ or anyone elses ] advise as to which is

really superior, before I order drivers and cut wood.

thanks, John.