The Aleph J

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Same question here, do people likes what they heard initially or long term? I have compared my diy aleph J with lateral mosfets F5, liked the first best imho. maybe its the SE-push pull things? or the implementation?
Still have issues though with my aleph - slight sibilance on women voice, hopes some answers here :
what if the 220uF caps changed to 470uF, does it matter?, is changing the BC550-560 to ZTX451-551 beneficial?

thanks, TeguhPS
Is there any particular reason why F5 is far more popular among DIY comunity than Aleph-J ? Except that F5 is more simply.

They have different sound signatures, which appeal to different people. The F5 is incredibly detailed but described as harsh by some. The Aleph J on the other hand is described as sweet by some, muddy by others.

If you don't know what you prefer build both and test =) They both use the same power supply and fairly similar heat sink requirements, and the price to build the amp module is quite cheap when you already have the power supply and chassi. I myself built both before deciding which I liked the most.

// Olle
And then take into account that you can't evaluate an amp in isolation from the speakers you choose. Something with a pronounced top end is gonna get annoying on a harsly detailed amplifier.

P.S> OllBoll, which one DID you like best? :D

I loved the Aleph J the most :)

My ideal is for the speakers to fade in the background, to just produce nice and relaxing music (I love omnis :D). The Aleph J did just that, it makes the sound fade sweetly. If I cannot fall asleep listening it isn't nice enough :p

The F5 called attention to itself, some instruments (like trumpets in a track i played) called attention to themselves very harshly like if someone drags nails on a blackboard. Of course not anywhere near as horrible as that but still enough that i cringed when listening and wanted to turn down the volume. The Aleph J while it wasn't as detailed as the F5 didn't make me cringe in these passages, it just sounded nice everywhere which made it prefered choice for me =)
I know it can be sweet, depends on implementation and system I guess, listened to friend F5 and his speakers.
Still no answer on my question so I just tried to replace 220uF Silmic 2 with 470uF Ero EKR, bypass cap remains mkp 100nF and 10nF FKP more body and transparency, slight sibilance still there :(...C1 remains 1uF K42 bypassed with 0.22uF K75-10....anybody?
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