The Aleph J

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In my book the Aleph3 had a single centertapped transformer and caps, no inductor. I'm not aware that the great emperor ever used inductors in a commercial amp, but others may know more.

But to answer your question: no.

Use an inductor if you like, but remember that usage as choke regulated supply reduces rails. CLC is the safe way.

Have fun! Hannes

PS: you do know that high DC inductors are hard to get? Crossover parts are generally of no use here.
h_a said:
No these are not the original schematics. They appear to me being from a member who was banned from this forum for selling commercially pcbs of Nelson Pass designs.

All the best, Hannes

I am not sure he was banned! As far as I recall, he had NP's ok- word for selling those pcb's. He had a lot of harsh words along the way though which might explain his absence from this forum.
David, you have maybe some problem with your DIYAudio-email adress.

I sent you right after my last reply to your post (already last week) an email with the offer to send you the schematics. Of course I cannot attach them through the forum interface, so you need to reply first. However I did not get any reply from you.

All the best, Hannes
Official Court Jester
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Tolu said:
@Nelson and owners


I am considering to use a Lightspeed attenuator as (passive) preamp for Aleph J. Is this a good idea or a technical mismatch?

Thanks in advance!

presuming that with "owners" you mean on others ......... ;)

anyway - presuming (again) that your source is capable of driving Lightspeed , 242K of Aleph J input impedance seems as nothing to worry .
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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Re: alepf j

Thomaso said:
Hi I am a newbie here,
and have read a lot about aleph different wersions.
I have Lowhter pm6 a in bicor 2000 cabinets.
What is the most useful version for me to build?
Note i yust almost finnished my Aikido preamp wich would be the right thing to drive an aleph i think.
Or am i wrong?

go to
download all pdf files you can

look for transconductance amps (F1 and F2 , if my memory isn't shot)

for FR speakers they're probably better than AJ
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