The BA-3 as preamp build guide

Joined 2019
Paid Member
on regulated power supplies

There is a plethora of regulated power supplies. The three most common quoted types seem to be shunt regulated, the super regulator and the general linear regulators. Lots of others I'm sure. My question is which one to pick and why. Are there advantages of one over the other? Are there electrical differences depending on what you use them with? Is any type superior? Certainly don't want to introduce noise into the system - I would think.
Thanks in advance.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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for moderate ( and non-digital) loads , say up to 100mA , I simply prefer shunt regs

I sleep better , enjoying idea how they're more Zen (Kosher, if you like) than series ones or (God Forbid!) , switching ones

When I'm not asleep , I enjoy hearing (through) them , sounding better than series ones or (God Forbid!) , switching ones

though , considering my habits of listening da musak , I'm dreaming often , so take my words counting on that

point is - when reg is good enough (means made and implemented well enough) , it's hard to hear differences between topologies

of course , there are plenty of Myths and Legends :clown:
Joined 2018
Paid Member
I'm looking for input on a fixed gain preamp project.

My system is active (details in pix) and the amps are 15dB gain F5 (3 channels) and 11dB gain SissySit (2 channels). The DEQX unit is acting as a DAC, active crossover, speaker & room correction box, and preamp. As a preamp, there isn't gain. I had the unit re-calibrated yesterday for the SissySit, and it really sings!

When I take the system to max volume, it sounds great (and pretty loud). However, I want a little more gain for those jam sessions that require turning it up to 11.

My thought is to make a box with 5 channels of fixed gain preamp using a clean/transparent design. Perhaps I have a switch for 6 and 12 dB gain.

Would a regulated PSU and 3 BA-3 driver boards be a good solution?

What would be the best way to do the gain setting for this case?


  • JBL Hartsfield Crossover Schematics.jpg
    JBL Hartsfield Crossover Schematics.jpg
    120.8 KB · Views: 365
  • JBL Hartsfield Crossover Schematic High Gain Concept.jpg
    JBL Hartsfield Crossover Schematic High Gain Concept.jpg
    134.6 KB · Views: 300
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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Joined 2019
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As the saying goes "to get good answers you have to ask good questions".

The title of the question comes from ZM's post #640 on this thread. So, I thought maybe there was something better than the BA-3 pre I am building.

The end result is what's important so I don't want to put any restrictions on the recommendations even though it is subjective. But I am asking.

Want to play: 1. Led Zeppelin, 2. other rock stuff from the Greatfull Dead to Sarah Mclachlan, 3. Wide variety of other Vocal and instrumental stuff. Maybe a small amount of classical. No rap, no opera.

I want it to sound the best I (we) can make it

Give my three different answers if they are the best answers.

For now, all music will be fed by hi Rez digital lossless files.

I am a newbie so the rest of the system doesn't exist.

Right now I have 6 or 7 stuffed boards (2 BA-3 gain boards, two Universal PSU's, an F-6, a Jung super reg, and 2 Salas v1.3 boards on the way. And two chassis. And some wire and a bunch of misc gear. But, I DO NOT HAVE TO USE WHAT I HAVE. I'm learning and having fun.

Pre amps, amps, speakers, DAC's, clocks, anything and everything is welcome. For build purposes I would like to stay within the diyaudio site as much as I reasonably can.

Thank you,
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
save BA3 boards and make little bigger amps than F6 , using BA3 source follower OS (or F4 crippled , whatever)

for preamp - see upcoming Iron Pre , for 6 or 12db gain ; hopefully it'll be Swiss Knife package

ask Jim (6L6) for details - what , when ......

there are plenty of preamp stages in Papaland ( Wayne's , BAF Heaphone/line ..... ) , I'm just writing what's most fun lately to me
As the saying goes "to get good answers you have to ask good questions".

The title of the question comes from ZM's post #640 on this thread. So, I thought maybe there was something better than the BA-3 pre I am building.

The end result is what's important so I don't want to put any restrictions on the recommendations even though it is subjective. But I am asking.

Want to play: 1. Led Zeppelin, 2. other rock stuff from the Greatfull Dead to Sarah Mclachlan, 3. Wide variety of other Vocal and instrumental stuff. Maybe a small amount of classical. No rap, no opera.

I want it to sound the best I (we) can make it

Give my three different answers if they are the best answers.

For now, all music will be fed by hi Rez digital lossless files.

I am a newbie so the rest of the system doesn't exist.

Right now I have 6 or 7 stuffed boards (2 BA-3 gain boards, two Universal PSU's, an F-6, a Jung super reg, and 2 Salas v1.3 boards on the way. And two chassis. And some wire and a bunch of misc gear. But, I DO NOT HAVE TO USE WHAT I HAVE. I'm learning and having fun.

Pre amps, amps, speakers, DAC's, clocks, anything and everything is welcome. For build purposes I would like to stay within the diyaudio site as much as I reasonably can.

Thank you,

It's very subjective as to which preamp you will prefer. And much of it is speaker/power amp dependent and perhaps more importantly, dependent on what you listen for or enjoy when listening to music. There is no best. Only flavors. And the flavor you prefer may change over time. So it's really hard to make a recommendation.

I have built JFet BOZ, BA-3, Salas DCG3, B1 rev2, Juma's Current Mirror and the Korg B1.

Currently listening to Korg B1.

But if you want to hear John Bonham's drumming at maximum impact I would choose Salas DCG3. Or if you wanted something not too soft but not too hard I would choose Juma's preamp. Or if you wanted something as colorless as possible I would choose B1 Rev2.

See? It's a hard decision.
I just finished populating my BA-3 board and am ready to turn it on but I have a question first.

How in the world do you get the test leads on the resistors on the board????? There's no room lol! Especially R12 hidden under a big cap :p I have (I guess) standard size insulated alligator clips and I can only get the perimeter lead attached. I was looking on amazon for something smaller but it's hard to tell with pictures with no dimensions or size comparison.