The battle of the DACs, comparison of sound quality between some DACs

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Tbh, even comparing a NOS vs an OS dac is problematic for me. Muddying the waters further with a lossy dsd conversion baffles me. And in the end those two, dramatically different approaches, sound almost indistinguishable? Weird. Why not compare a true NOS dac vs the NOS digital filter on the AK4499 as already suggested? At least the FR will be similar. Why over complicate by bringing unnecessary variables?
No, but does it need to? its not really subjective as the rest we are talking about. There are design rules and instances that dictate what isnt good design and what is unlikely to bring an improvement; rather bring detriment. Yes, definitely an element of design, symmetry etc, but laws at the heart of it. I just didnt see what possible positive outcome could come from the conversation for Mark and it makes me wonder ...
and it was clearly not Andrea (or whoever the puppet behind this account is) he is talking about. He doesnt even do layouts, does he? and the layouts are quite good, at least on the clocking side. professional and the performance of the clock goes without saying. I remain unconvinced by the DAC performance as yet, but the layouts do not look incompetent at a glance.
... all we learned .....

Knowledge is in the eyes of the beholder, making it difficult to guess the nature or extent of what could have been learned by perhaps only one of the > 20,000 views of this thread. I will leave this to a god to know. Certainly there was at least one interesting thing that was reinforced by the dialog by Markw4 as related to my own experiences. This was along with some personal disappointments that included not using the Topping D90.
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