The Black Hole......
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I have a personal aversion to class D.

To do it well you need a lot more skill than you would to design a good class A or AB amp. But the thought of passing some chamber music through a thing banging up and down 100 V at 300 kHz seems unseemly to me. Or maybe I’m just biased after selling class D chips to Sony for boom boxes.

Fine for bass.

Sweet prejudice :) What about 5G?

5G is terrible, they are spreading the coronavirus.
So let's put them to fire :D

Unfortunately, there are always people willing to believe this kind of complot theory nonsense, like those who still embrace the flat earth theory.
This has already resulted in twenty five 5G cell sites being set to fire in the Netherlands. :eek:
Maybe 5G has health issues because of radiation, but if so, then 4G has the same problem.

Joined 2003
Paid Member
Same here - quite a few burnt down or damaged.

Amazing how people link things together and draw conclusions about stuff they have absolutely no clue about.

I tried to explain ionizing vs non-ionizing radiation to a neighbor (unrelated discussion) but they could not get it. If you lack an intuitive grasp of things scientific, you will think all this stuff is magic.

It’s almost as bad as suggesting a bleach injection to cope with a viral infection :D
Yeah the whole 5G silliness seems more of a European thing? Although I saw protests in NZ as well. It's interesting seeing how regional some of these things are. (not being judgmental as goodness knows we have our own tropes, see captain l'orange's health "recommendations")
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Yeah the whole 5G silliness seems more of a European thing? Although I saw protests in NZ as well. It's interesting seeing how regional some of these things are. (not being judgmental as goodness knows we have our own tropes, see captain l'orange's health "recommendations")

Yeah - might be more of a European + UK thing. I think there was some celebrity pushing the theory as well.

Joined 2014
Paid Member
I have a personal aversion to class D.

To do it well you need a lot more skill than you would to design a good class A or AB amp.

Of course captain obvious :). I have to say that I have not heard one of the better class D amps (icepower/hypex/purifi) but I am wary of people who say it's 'grainy' because everyone who claims not to like class D says the same thing therefore I feel they read it in a review and decide not to like it based on that.

Whilst Bruno has 'fixed' something he found in measurements with the purifi modules he has never said that he could hear the problem, but choses his words carefully in accepting that others could or not.
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Of course captain obvious :). I have to say that I have not heard one of the better class D amps (icepower/hypex/purifi) but I am wary of people who say it's 'grainy' because everyone who claims not to like class D says the same thing therefore I feel they read it in a review and decide not to like it based on that.

Whilst Bruno has 'fixed' something he found in measurements with the purifi modules he has never said that he could hear the problem, but choses his words carefully in accepting that others could or not.

I heard a Hypex based amp at the NWA last year. It sounded very good.

But, the system was really geared towards what I call ‘hyper reality’ sound - studio mixed stuff with ultra bass and tizzy top end. Impressive but fatiguing after a short while. I prefer something that sounds more relaxed and natural.