The diyAudio Firstwatt F6

I'm late to join F6.


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Joined 2010
Paid Member
I think this was a feeler thread. After 211 posts and five months, maybe we have enough of an idea for the Masters to either feed us something ...

or to close this thread so as to put these pathetic pleas to rest.

Trust me, I'm just waiting for the site Admin to come back to reality and get some of these projects rolling.

I'm as frustrated as the rest of you. The prototype costs for the PCB are expensive enough (way more than the previous boards) that I dont want to foot the bill 100% by myself as I did with the Aleph J... And until Jason return from his humanitarian mission, we're stuck.
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Kasey197, not sure what you mean, because the schematic is readily avaliable. A person could point to point the board, or have boards made, and buy their own transformers. It all depends on how long you can wait.

When it comes to the store; things just take longer to materialize.

Board Source?

Reviewing the thread from beginning to end, I'm now confused about which board design we have committed to.

Permander posted his design for the F6 early in the thread, and he has a track record for the VFET board design and a successful group buy (I'm a happy customer).

Is there another board design under consideration?

If yes;

How did we choose it over the Permander board? and,

Does everyone who signed up to purchase a board understand which board they are getting? and,

Are the boards/transformers to be provided through the DIYAudio store, or is this a group buy spearheaded by one or more DIYAudio members?

