The diyAudio Firstwatt F6

Joined 2000
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ETA is what's in question. Not sure.
There definitely enough interest.
Getting an order for a few hundred parts will cost some coin. Who's going to organize it all. Then ship all the parts out? I think it's best to have the store do it. We'll just have to wait or buy transfos, make our own boards for small scale.

Personally, I can't stand pcb design apps. I'm going to wait patiently.
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Hi there guys - it's Christmas! =)

There seems to be some demand for the F6 PCB. Well, it just happens that I have the Gerber files for Permanders F6 board. :) He sent them to me when I started my F6 build a year ago.

It's not the latest version that has the places for the extra LEDs required by the mosfet version but that's the only difference so it's pretty easy to just solder the extra LEDs side by side within the 'original' board.

So like is said: it's Christmas - and I think this is a nice way to honour Permander/Georg's work and contribution to this forum by letting his work live on

So here they are! Anyone can have their own made of organize a group buy. :cool:

Also attached is a pic of the mosfet moded version, but no Gerbers for that.

Enjoy! :D


  • F6 Degeneration II-5a-2
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  • F6 layout top view.JPG
    F6 layout top view.JPG
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  • F6 photo bottom view.JPG
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  • F6 photo top view.JPG
    F6 photo top view.JPG
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  • F6_2 LEDs_6.7.2014 - MOSFET.jpg
    F6_2 LEDs_6.7.2014 - MOSFET.jpg
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Joined 2010
Paid Member
Good news!

I tried again today and finally got in contact with our Admin, and he is more than happy to cover my prototype costs. This means that I will order the proof-of-concept PCB for the diyAudio store board as soon as I am able, hopefully I can place an order tomorrow, as the next few days are obviously out...

So hang tight - this is the first real progress since this whole shebang got started so many months ago.

In the meantime, the Permanders PCB look fantastic if anybody wants to move forward with those - thanks to Permanders and jugi for posting those!
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Good news!

I tried again today and finally got in contact with our Admin, and he is more than happy to cover my prototype costs. This means that I will order the proof-of-concept PCB for the diyAudio store board as soon as I am able, hopefully I can place an order tomorrow, as the next few days are obviously out...

So hang tight - this is the first real progress since this whole shebang got started so many months ago.

In the meantime, the Permanders PCB look fantastic if anybody wants to move forward with those - thanks to Permanders and jugi for posting those!

Super !! I'm in for a pair too! Thanks for doing this.
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Kasey197, not sure what you mean, because the schematic is readily avaliable. A person could point to point the board, or have boards made, and buy their own transformers. It all depends on how long you can wait.

When it comes to the store; things just take longer to materialize.


Vince agree of course - there is already an F6 thread with all the info.
The point of this thread was the official diyaudio board. And so it's really cool that we are likely to get them !
I understand the glacial pace involved with going thru the DIY Audio 'store'.
Not liking it much though :)
But one would think it could be a bit quicker. Given the assumption that it makes a profit ?
Even the front page was last updated in July.

Enough whining :eek:

Curious re the Cinemag tx's. Where from? And how much altering rq'd to pinouts ? Point to point Doable ?
Does it actually need yet another, time consuming PCB revision?


Joined 2010
Paid Member
Request for help -

I have a small quantity of the prototype PCBs on order (finally... ) and would like to let one or two out into the wild and have somebody build it.

I am looking for one or two volunteers to build the F6 to verify that we have a good PCB. Anybody interested would need to be able to build it quickly, and preferably from stock they have on hand. If you think you can knock one together easily and quickly, PM me. I will be able to send you a set of PCB and maybe a small handful of parts. (No Jensen or Jfet, sorry...)

If you have something like an F5 or Aleph J that you would want to adapt the case and PSU into the F6, that would be a fine project, as it would also show that once you have one DIY firstwatt amp, it's easy to try other configurations. :)

SO; If you have most of the parts laying around for one of these, or are very motivated to make a big parts order, you are welcome to the PCB for beta testing, if you can get the amp built in a couple of weeks - as the main point of this is to test the PCB before making a hundred of them.

PM me if interested.


Joined 2011
Paid Member
I can help. You got email :)

Request for help -

I have a small quantity of the prototype PCBs on order (finally... ) and would like to let one or two out into the wild and have somebody build it.

I am looking for one or two volunteers to build the F6 to verify that we have a good PCB. Anybody interested would need to be able to build it quickly, and preferably from stock they have on hand. If you think you can knock one together easily and quickly, PM me. I will be able to send you a set of PCB and maybe a small handful of parts. (No Jensen or Jfet, sorry...)

If you have something like an F5 or Aleph J that you would want to adapt the case and PSU into the F6, that would be a fine project, as it would also show that once you have one DIY firstwatt amp, it's easy to try other configurations. :)

SO; If you have most of the parts laying around for one of these, or are very motivated to make a big parts order, you are welcome to the PCB for beta testing, if you can get the amp built in a couple of weeks - as the main point of this is to test the PCB before making a hundred of them.

PM me if interested.