The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

I'm doing the same thing with my 4 section Baxandall tone control circuit. I've not shared it with anyone. With all the high end preamps that don't have tone controls at all, I keep thinking my circuit could be marketable. I laid out a circuit board and made several for my own projects. It's totally easy for anyone to use, and it gives one the ability to create a really good Fletcher-Munson (Loudness Comp) curve that's much more right for a given acoustic situation. I still may try to sell some version of it. I consider good tone controls to be a huge plus. I don't get why so many others are happy with no tone controls at all... :cool:
Founder of XSA-Labs
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I was on a trip to NL for work and just got to visit Wesayso (and meet his beautiful family) and his Two Towers. A big bonus was Byrtt also came from DK to join us. What a great time we had between old friends meeting in person for the first time. :)

Thanks Wesayso for the hospitality and thanks Byrtt for driving a million miles from Denmark to meet us!

So what do the Two Towers sound like?

One word: Uneffingbeliveable. :D

Hands down the best speakers I have ever heard. Unrivaled by probably 99% of anything out there commercially or DIY.

Congratulations Wesayso on knocking this one out of the park! :cheers:



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Jan Fekkes and wesayso we thank review :)

Me also want coffee :eguitar:

You finally got that cup of coffee over here in the sweet spot :D.

We had a blast... played all kinds of music, to name a few:
Some well used songs (in X's threads) like Anne Bison, Melody Gardot but also Zappa and ACDC. Of course I also played audiophile favourites like the 'Live' version of "Hotel California" (Hell Freezes Over) and Nils Lofgren's "Keith Don't Go". I force fed some Infected Mushroom songs and BYRTT got to listen to all kinds of POP music as well.
X's arrival got delayed a bit, traveling by train so BYRTT actually got to hear way more songs. In fact, we must have been at it for about 6 hours total! Talking, listening, talking some more and coffee...

For me, personally it will be an afternoon to remember! So glad we could make this work....
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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The most impressive thing about the Two Towers is the whole experience. It's not because any one aspect is good, it's because EVERY aspect is great. The large wide sweet spot, the force of the wall of sound, the low distortion, the accurate deep bass, the sweet smooth mods, the impeccable time alignment and transient perfect nature of the sound, the clear as a bell highs, the superb deep bass down to 17Hz (no subwoofer), the immense feeling of being teleported to the recording venue. It's all there and it all works together to produce what is perhaps, the closest feeling to being there I have felt when hearing speakers. Wesayso worked really hard on the SYSTEM approach so it includes room treatments, convolution processing, rear ambience speakers (10Fs), and careful adjustments.

The system makes any music sound it's best and there is no genre that doesn't sound its best.

Wonderful experience. World class!

Oh, the cabinets themselves are very impressive. I put my ear to the side while they were playing and could not hear or feel any vibrations or sound. Just inert. The hand cut and polished aluminum bezel waveguide is also quite the piece of workmanship.

Coffee at Wesayso's house is indeed quite an experience.
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Oh, the cabinets themselves are very impressive. I put my ear to the side while they were playing and could not hear or feel any vibrations or sound. Just inert.

It was fun to watch 2 grown men, hugging my speakers at the same time, ear against the enclosure :).

Thanks for the kind words X, it was good to have both you and BYRTT over for a visit. BYRTT stayed the night and has left about an hour ago after hearing one more farewell song.

For both of you: I wish you guys a safe trip home!
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...One word: Uneffingbeliveable. :D
Hands down the best speakers I have ever heard. Unrivaled by probably 99% of anything out there commercially or DIY...

...Good to hear you more ore less experienced the same sensation I had, when listening to the Towers last August. World class, to be had for a handful of bucks (in relative terms that is) in actual fact...

Hi its just been about an hour since happy man me got home because did some shopping and family visit on the way north.

Was a day to remember for life thanks to wesayso, xrk971 and wesayso's family.

I'm some tired now so intention is to comment sound experience tomorrow, but hey expect in ballpark as above : )

That's great! Wow! wish I had been there as well!

Your meet must have been epic!

Think would have been a dream to meet you there perceval, could it ever be arranged i hurry back to Netherlands again.

You finally got that cup of coffee over here in the sweet spot :D....

Are you crazy man not only coffee in sweet spot also had my nights sleep for several hours : ) on couch right in sweet spot.

It was fun to watch 2 grown men, hugging my speakers at the same time, ear against the enclosure :).

Ha ha can imagine fun looking those two stupid quality control guys desperately try to find any tiny flaws.

It's great you guys were able to get together. I wish I could have been there as well. :)

Same as for perceval think would have been a dream to meet you there Greg, could it ever be arranged i hurry back to Netherlands again.
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It's great you guys were able to get together. I wish I could have been there as well. :)

If you're ever in this part of our world...

You've helped me get a flying start on the DSP part, I'll never forget that!

That's great! Wow! wish I had been there as well!

Your meet must have been epic!

I wouldn't mind visiting your beautiful place on this earth you call home...
Same goes for you, if you're ever in the neighbourhood, let us know.

Hi its just been about an hour since happy man me got home because did some shopping and family visit on the way north.

Was a day to remember for life thanks to wesayso, xrk971 and wesayso's family.

I'm some tired now so intention is to comment sound experience tomorrow, but hey expect in ballpark as above : )

Anxiously awaiting your report! But first get a good night sleep!