The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

Joined 2006
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I second the sense of lack of control. It is the realization that the windows computer may decide that it wants to upgrade while I am playing a particularly moving piece of music. I want something that is on when I turn it on and off when I turn it off. I am tired of needy electronics.
JRiver does come in Mac OS and Linux OS, in case you don't like Win10 and its automatic updating scheme, and no way to turn it off... the only way would be a Win10 box not plugged into the internet.

I used to be a Mac fan boy, but I can't support the way they are going right now. The pirates became the exact copy (or even worse) of the corporate greed they were fighting. Sad.

I still like the OS (I'm a couple versions behind), but not the hardware, so I built myself a Hackintosh and never looked back. I will not buy any hardware from them until they change their ways of doing things.
I second the sense of lack of control. It is the realization that the windows computer may decide that it wants to upgrade while I am playing a particularly moving piece of music. I want something that is on when I turn it on and off when I turn it off. I am tired of needy electronics.

I've been using miniXP on a mITX motherboard for years. It runs fast - about 20 seconds to boot up and shuts down quickly too. I use foobar as my player and foobar remote on my phone. miniXP is a barebones OS without the extra crap to get in the way. No updates needed as it's only a dedicated player nothing else. The MB I'm using has HDMI and SPDIF.

I currently run the output (SPDIF) to miniDSP 4X10. Works very well.
I'm still running Win 7 Pro for a reason. As a former System administrator I never grew really fond of Windows, but all the tools we needed were on that platform so I had to deal with it. Running a stand-alone PC without internet would indeed be another option. (my favourite was Win NT4, it could run for years on end without any hick-ups)

I still use heavy graphics oriented programs on my PC, so a stripped down OS isn't going to work for me. Aside from a one time deal where I had a huge crash, due to my anti-virus solution at that time, it has been playing without flaws. The crash messed up my software raid OS and with it I lost some valuable settings within JRiver.

SSD's for the OS make it quick and responsive, even though this PC is about 5 years old now. Most of the internals are younger, I keep upgrading hard-disks etc. I'll probably try to keep this one running for years to come, getting myself a separate PC for other duties. Newer hardware probably doesn't come equipped with a slot for my Asus ST anyway.

I do consider myself a fan of the rest of the software I use, because the possibilities are seemingly endless. I started with foobar, but JRiver won me over for ease of use. Together with REW, DRC-FIR and some small VST plugins I can dream up any solution I need. No problems running audio or video sync with latency and luckily for me I don't do live shows :D. These tools give me plenty of power to play with and large numbers of tabs for FIR filtering that I haven't seen yet in any of the hardware solutions.
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How many times have you heard or said this: ...can't live with it, can't live without it...
How many different things have you said it about?

I have a 1 TB SSD in my laptop that I regularly clone onto backup hard drives plus do daily incremental backups so I'm pretty safe. I still hold my breath waiting for that disaster that would cause me to restore from a cloned backup. It hasn't happened yet...

If worst came to worst, how long would it take you to restore your JRiver settings? It seems a fundamental weakness that you can't do that from a single file, or can you?

..or would that cloned backup drive restore JR?
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Good Q. nc535

As I found out, backups may not save you. A roll of paper towels leapeth from shelf above and hit, hard, on end, smack in the middle of my laptop. Thought system was fine until next morning when it was discovered still running, sort of. Had mouse but that was it, upon reboot BSOD. Passes all low level diagnostics, but appearently not anything higher up in the architecture. Pcb trace/broken solder connection must be the cause, tore it all down and rebuilt twice. Nodda

Enter new Omen 17t, new 10tb external and a new evo 970 m.2 to go with my existing Evo 850 sata. In the learning curve process of being new to Win10 while waiting for new system. Had it configured special, Win10Pro installed.

Must say I do not like Win8 Home, significant other has that and its a wtf was M$ thinking. Old system (dv7-6b32us maxed out) ran Win7Pro for 7 years straight without issue and may just get another mb from ebay. It wasnt intended for heavy graphics or gaming, but power wise with a quad core i7 sandybridge, 16gb ram and an ssd you would not know it was that old. :)

Still this is painful, has been over two weeks without now and still have 2 more weeks to wait before delivery. Living off of Androids only atm bites
I guess you need hardware backup as well as data backup, especially if you are going to play your bass loud enough to cause objects to jump off shelves :)

At least with a standard such as Windows, you have good assurance that you can restore your data on another system and still have access to it.
...If worst came to worst, how long would it take you to restore your JRiver settings? It seems a fundamental weakness that you can't do that from a single file, or can you?

..or would that cloned backup drive restore JR?

Single file works fine at least for my scenario that only run with one zone, upgraded in past a complete brandnew hardware platform including the old multi channel sound card and a fresh new Win7 installation, those several hundreds of settings were recreated in a second pointing to a file that was copyed from JR "Librarary Backups" in users ducument folder. Maybe steps in recovery process for third party plugins and path to convolution-files need some attention where think its important user have that sorted out to manually look actually same as in past before using JR build in restore of settings via the "Restore Library" dialog.

Also a cloned backup drive restore works fine for JR itself but license for some third party plugins as them from APL Audio can fail if formatted harddrive partion is not exactly the same as before the restore.

JR automatic do these "Library Backups" from time to time saved into users document folder or one can force it manually say before trying out some new settings that we later regret then simply restore pointing to that manual created file and we back again, below show dialog example of restore settings.


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Good Q. nc535

As I found out, backups may not save you. A roll of paper towels leapeth from shelf above and hit, hard, on end, smack in the middle of my laptop. Thought system was fine until next morning when it was discovered still running, sort of. Had mouse but that was it, upon reboot BSOD. Passes all low level diagnostics, but appearently not anything higher up in the architecture. Pcb trace/broken solder connection must be the cause, tore it all down and rebuilt twice. Nodda

Enter new Omen 17t, new 10tb external and a new evo 970 m.2 to go with my existing Evo 850 sata. In the learning curve process of being new to Win10 while waiting for new system. Had it configured special, Win10Pro installed.

Must say I do not like Win8 Home, significant other has that and its a wtf was M$ thinking. Old system (dv7-6b32us maxed out) ran Win7Pro for 7 years straight without issue and may just get another mb from ebay. It wasnt intended for heavy graphics or gaming, but power wise with a quad core i7 sandybridge, 16gb ram and an ssd you would not know it was that old. :)

Still this is painful, has been over two weeks without now and still have 2 more weeks to wait before delivery. Living off of Androids only atm bites

I dislike the Win 8 and even the current Win 10 direction can't really warm me up, but it's at least a bit more tolerable. I have 2 Win 7 Pro licences that I intend to stretch out for a long time to come.

My old PC is still alive and doing well and still serves as a CAD& Audio PC for my students at work (more than 10 years old, except for the new SSD hard-drive). It isn't even that much slower than my current XEON powered workstation.
I've been using miniXP on a mITX motherboard for years. It runs fast - about 20 seconds to boot up and shuts down quickly too. I use foobar as my player and foobar remote on my phone. miniXP is a barebones OS without the extra crap to get in the way. No updates needed as it's only a dedicated player nothing else. The MB I'm using has HDMI and SPDIF.

I currently run the output (SPDIF) to miniDSP 4X10. Works very well.

I like the idea of running a minimal Windows music PC for Foobar. Once using VST's I figure I might as well use Foobar, as i guess the JRiver convenience advantage slips.

Are there any advantages running a stripped down XP over a minimal Win7?

Have you had any success putting out 8-channels of 192/24? It looks like Foobar can do that over your HDMI outputs and Denon inputs.
Hi kazap,

Are there any advantages running a stripped down XP over a minimal Win7?

I never tried Win7

Have you had any success putting out 8-channels of 192/24? It looks like Foobar can do that over your HDMI outputs and Denon inputs.

I tried the HDMI output on the motherboard to my Denon HDMI inputs but could not get it to work. It may have been because the Denon is only HDMI 1.2.