The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

Here's an updated picture of the finer texture I wanted:

Both are more or less similar now, I'm pleased.
My temp paint booth is up again and first layer of paint is on. At least 2 more to go though...
Prior to paint in the booth (not exactly a sharp picture from the top of the stairs (lol)):

Sanded them lightly with a fine sanding pad without removing the texture.
Few more days of paint to go....
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Finally, the results from painting:

Finished the epoxy with 3 layers of 2K Double Coat satin black. I found it pretty hard to get it on in an even coat. No matter how I went about it I kept seeing roller marks in the paint. Each layer I painted I tried something different to get better results. The last coat was the best, working hard keeping the wet edge, but after drying there were still area's where the roller had been more than once and it showed. Once you have the paint rolled on, you have one shot of rolling over it again softly to get it to lay down nice and even. After that don't touch it again or it will be one big mess.

Looking around the internet how to polish/buff a satin coat wasn't very informative. I kept bumping into statements like: "you can't polish a satin coat" etc. I finally found a recipe I was willing to try. Sand the entire coat to get rid of dust, flies and other blemishes and after that rub it out in one direction with paste wax on steel wool 0000. I substituted the steel wool with the abrasive pad like the one I had used before. It worked very well. I got a nice and even satin finish.
The enclosures are parked in the living room again, waiting for the rest to be finished. As you can see I started working on the outer baffles.

More to come, I'm sure ;-)
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My girlfriend likes it even better than my prior wood finish so every one is pleased :D.
The full recipe for the buffing of a satin finish for those interested:
Rubbing out a Satin Finish

I basically followed that recipe with the exception that I only used the abrasive pads.
- First wet sanded the enclosures with the pads
- Rub it out like in the article with the pads and paste wax
- Remove excess wax with paper towels
- Remove even more wax with water and a light rub with the pads
- Wipe dry with a micro fibre towel

Seems to work well. Now looking into products I can use for a wipe down at a later stage. I found some clues for furniture wax products in spray cans that seem to work well on a satin finish. Haven't found anything local yet though. Maybe a satin sheen cockpit spray from 3M would work?
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