The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

The rest is already chosen a while back, this:

With these:

Should equal something like this:
It's not that I haven't thought about that :D. But this project has given me a few lessons in patience. So I try to do everything as good as I can and take it from there.
I keep telling myself I will be done in about two months... but that seems to be a moving target!

Still a lot more to do. But the baffles turned out better than I had hoped for. Not bad for machining by hand with relatively simple tools. I got to say I love doing this type of work. Maybe I should aim for a new career!
How can anyone resist firing it up for first sound for so lonnggggg?

That's utterly beyond me :xeye::D

Wesayso - looking forward to see the details of mounting/seperation from the main structure.
Keeping the front baffle seperated from the cabinet will definitely help prevent internal forces developing future cracks. Hopefully that will be a closed chapter in your TT-project :)

Take your time...immideately ;)
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