The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

The reason I was asking though is not for safety per se, but because I've read that lowering the pc's sys. vol. lowers the bitres at the same time and I wanted to ask for your opinions..
Some choose to leave the PC vol. at 100% and do the attenuation in the analogue domain. I wish it were that simple for me, but Linkwitz transform is eating 17dB of dynamic headroom on the PC alone...

Jriver uses a 64bit software volume control which gives a much higher dynamic range. If you have a 24bit or 32bit DAC software volume will work well over about a 40dB range before artefacts from reduced bit depth could become audible. 6db per bit of dynamic range. 16 bit is 96dB maximum, 64bit takes that up to 384dB, more than enough headroom for any internal processing you could think of.

Jriver will use wasapi or asio drivers where the windows mixer and volume won't be an issue as it addresses the hardware directly.

Let me get back to you later with some tips on win10pro
nc535 you can use the group policy editor gpedit.msc because you are using pro. That gives you lots of options on how and when updates will be checked for downloaded and installed.

You can turn it off or go back to only being notified about the updates or anything in between. The latest build version of win10 is much less insistent about updating that it was before, particularly when you have pro and can use group policy settings.

I had it switched off entirely when I first used 10 because it was so intrusive. Much better now.
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@haraldo: No problem! Do you have any threads about your audio?
Agree 100% with you about Windows. 10 for Workstations is nice too, it walks the fine line between doing what you want it too do and also don't ask you why you want to shut it down :rolleyes:

@robbintip, not yet but coming.... too busy at work theese days.... not much diy there yet though :p
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+1 knock on wood.

Are your baffles 400mm x400mmm?
These ones from the SVS SB 3000 might fit then:


Dimensions for the svs are 397mm x 385mm

When I was searching for the dimensions of your subs I came across this post:
Indeed, from all we could find, it's the inrush that is the problem. Once the amp is on it has never been a problem. Once every few times the amp is turned on it will trip the breaker. It happened once on the day we were testing amps and two times after that.
I ran measurements in between and a couple of listening sessions etc.
It's a problem at turn on only.

I have this problem too.
It occurs sometimes when I switch them off and back on within a certain time.
Turns out that the energy stored in the power supply after switch-off could be out of phase when it is switched on again.
My sub is indeed 40x40 in size, but I couldn't find separate SVS grill's for sale.
I could probably make my own without too much hassle, I really don't like the idea but I think it would be the save choice.
I did try hard to create a clean clear look, now I probably have to clutter it up again by adding a grill. Our cat isn't one that
learns these things fast. All it takes is one mishap...

How much time between switch off, switch on gets you in trouble? I never restart the amp directly after a shutting down, knowing it still has some energy to unload. My troubles were over after putting the inrush circuit in place.
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I'd almost order these:



They are 33 cm Pizza screens, polish the outer edge and paint the inside black?
Still need to fab a mounting for it... if it were quick delivery I'd be inclined to try it.



I can go for the standard 12" (above Pizza screen is 13") but with that mounting it looks like cheap PA. I'd have to fab my own mounting but in both cases I can't think of an easy way to hide bolts/hardware... Most speaker protecting screens are 12" which means it adds up to about ~ 305 mm.
That's just about the same dimension as the roundover I made on the front...


I thought the Pizza screens were an inventive find though :D.

Maybe I need to contact SVS and see if they sell the grill separately.


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Here goes the kitchen theme again...:D ranging from pizza grilles to cheese graters haha.

Both aren't easy options, obviously the CNC'ing but painting chrome is difficult too.
But you don't seem to mind a challenge :)

PS: The amps were switched back on within minutes when this happened.
PS2: I remember the knock-off dune pro case but unfortunately only the front panel is this mesh
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