The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)


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I'm jealous in fact: 4 of my most prefered industrial bands played at Hellfest in a row yesterday ( NiN, Ministry, Killing Joke and Godflesh) and could not find a way to be there.
It's been a while since i've been into a big festival like this and i miss it from time to time. 🙄

I console myself watching Arte tv: Iron Maiden 'flight666' and now 'Scorpions'! 😁 i usually prefer it more rough and brutal but it'll do for tonight. 🤘
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The arrays with the new drivers are getting regular exercise, no comments on the sound yet, although I do think it's quite forgiving.
I'm using a correction made for the TC9's, and softened that up a bit to get rid of peak corrections etc. Basically making an average
of the original correction and one with a frequency dependent window of 6 cycles applied. It shaves off the biggest peaks and dips
while leaving the general shape in-tact. I'll let the speakers play regularly for about a month before the first measurements.
I did the same with the original arrays, let them first play and loosen up a bit before starting the measurements. They gave me goose
bumps already so I do have high hopes ;). I've also been reminded how big of an influence the ambience channels have. I still had
an experimental setup when I replaced the arrays and getting back to the (more) regular version changed perception quite a bit!
I other words: a no go for that experimental version...

My son is quite happy to have them back, and has build up his own collection of material to listen to. His favorite band though is influenced
by me, I think: Pink Floyd... :)

Yes, I'm anxious to start measuring them, but it won't be long now. It's all relative anyway, another year has passed, they really seem
to fly by. Another Dutch TT today, so another busy little week in our little town.
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Lots of listening and HT use, getting closer to running the measurements.
Bought a Nvidia 3060 TI for HT, quite pleased with the results. Even before running the proper measurements I'm quite happy.
Yes, with music I can hear the balance is somewhat off. But it is quite entertaining nonetheless.
Nvidia 3060 TI -> Does this not make to much noise? I have a fanless NUC: (Quiet PC UltraNUC Pro 8 Fanless) that works fine with 4K.
It isn't in the same room ;). I have a Xeon workstation with the 3060 TI and it does all the rendering of the picture prior to sending it to the TV set.
I know it's not for all people but I like it that way. I'm using MadVR to get the picture quality I like. It is the high quality video renderer within JRiver.
It does take a powerful PC and ditto graphics card but to me it's worth it. As I do use the card's potential for 3D design programs anyway.
No contest sending the picture straight to the TV or trough MadVR. All processing on the TV is bypassed as the graphics card with the right settings
does a better job. I've been using this for as long as I have JRiver (since JRiver version 17) as I've always had a workstation with high end graphics card
available. It is a remarkable difference to me, first on a Plasma screen, now on OLED.

One can use it to upscale SD, HD etc to 4K and even mapping options for HDR... use what you want/need.

I know the trend is to stream everything these days but in video I'm after the same quality as in audio, for fun and entertainment.
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It isn't in the same room ;). I have a Xeon workstation with the 3060 TI and it does all the rendering of the picture prior to sending it to the TV set.
I know it's not for all people but I like it that way. I'm using MadVR to get the picture quality I like. It is the high quality video renderer within JRiver.
It does take a powerful PC and ditto graphics card but to me it's worth it. As I do use the card's potential for 3D design programs anyway.
No contest sending the picture straight to the TV or trough MadVR. All processing on the TV is bypassed as the graphics card with the right settings
does a better job. I've been using this for as long as I have JRiver (since JRiver version 17) as I've always had a workstation with high end graphics card
available. It is a remarkable difference to me, first on a Plasma screen, now on OLED.

One can use it to upscale SD, HD etc to 4K and even mapping options for HDR... use what you want/need.

I know the trend is to stream everything these days but in video I'm after the same quality as in audio, for fun and entertainment.
So how do you send the video to the tv? A long HDMI cable?
Well, I've considered parallel/series to be better than series/parallel, at one point in this thread.
But in hindsight we figured out a mistake in the sims that this faulty opinion was based on. However we do have the story that Owen once told us:
(in that post of mine above OPC I still used the wrong sims to draw any conclusion. BYRTT later found out that there was an error in the impedance chosen for the driver groups making it look like there was something going on. After correcting that, the end results between series and parallel or parallel series did not differ. That is not to detract any of the story with bass drivers Owen told us. Just want to make clear that post of mine was based on faulty assumptions which we later corrected (I believe in this thread somewhere).

I did not change from series/parallel though. I grouped all drivers together to get the cleanest power distribution based upon sims with the impedance of each driver and that's how I placed them. I don't think that answers your question, but I cannot, with any authority, tell you what would be the wiser choice.