The New Hypex Fusion Plate amps

Could be. At least they do one thing right: they stay detailed at very low listening levels.

In the meantime, I removed the three Rg resistors on one Fusion 253 plate. This reduces gain factor 4.7. This brings quite an improvement in low level detail. The output noise level is greatly lower as well, only audible in the tweeter anymore. And you need to put your ear close. Naturally, max SPL is reduced by the mod, but the amps can still play loud enough for me. I generally play about 13 dB higher in volume, giving me about 2 extra bits.

Sound is still quite different from the channel with Soekris DAC. But not clearly worse anymore. Some aspects are subjectively better (e.g. tightness) and some worse.

I wonder how sensitive the Fusion is for input jitter. I cannot recall information about its clock quality and/or reclocking capabilities? Anyone knows something about this?


This morning i upgraded to new firmware. With VU i can now see i have also low output. Approx. 48db - 35. If volume is set at -30dB.
If i play loud volume is around -24dB.
But never as low as -72dB.

I have used different digital sources the last year. And upgrading from Allo DigiOne to Digione signature did matter. Recently changed the RPI to the USBridge signature and got the Shanti as power supply. Also a change fot the better in my opinion.
I have used different digital sources the last year. And upgrading from Allo DigiOne to Digione signature did matter. Recently changed the RPI to the USBridge signature and got the Shanti as power supply. Also a change fot the better in my opinion.
Well, I don't want to be the one pointing the finger at me, but it reminds me of when I got my dedicated digital player. Well, I didn't think before that it could sound so much better than a PC (with digital output as well). After a while, however, I noticed that both source devices sound the same (of course). So after the magic of the new toy had passed, the perceived difference was gone, no matter how I tried to hear it.
No, just part of the attenuation network in the feedback loop.

Indeed removing Rg reduces the gain of the first (differential) stage, with about 13 dB. You also need to investigate whether you need headroom for boosting filters. E.g. in my case on channel1 I do a +12 dB boost on low bass frequencies (around 30 Hz), and may add 3 dB more bass boost later. As I have the channel gain at 0 dB, I should not go over -15 dB master volume to avoid clipping at the output. Furthermore, I do -8 dB on channel3. In my current understanding, I will lose almost 2 bits due to this attenuation, so biquad processing will be with 22 bits precision effectively. So probably it is better to do +8 dB on channel1 instead. But this would change max volume to -23 dB.

All in all, I am considering to give channel1 additional gain and headroom. Maybe I will put the resistor back. Noise was not such a big issue for this woofer anyhow. So I would recommend to skip modding channel1, probably max power is still required there.

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By the way, it is not so strange that with the initial configuration, sound quality was not so good. With a master volume I used of -54 dB, you would lose 9 bits. On PC side I had one more bit for pre EQ headroom. So I already lost about 10 bits of the 24 bits, making it a 14 bit solution (assuming music at full 24 bit level, even less bits for softer material). And that would assume you get the LSBs out, but given the system SNR of about 110 dB.... probably not. With the Rg remove mod and removing pre EQ, I get three more bits which helps. But this is still not optimal IMHO.

In my current understanding, I will lose almost 2 bits due to this attenuation, so biquad processing will be with 22 bits precision effectively.

No DAC out there is any better than 22 bits. Not that it matters, I haven't come across source material or listening rooms that do better than 16 bits.

All in all, I am considering to give channel1 additional gain and headroom.

Gain and headroom are kind of opposite things - less gain gives more headroom.
BTW... I tried to connect the Soekris DAC to the analog XLR. But the level is too low to fill ADC properly, so this does not make things better. I tried the XLR +9 input gain option, but this has no effect on the level for some reason...


How do you mean that it not fills the ADC properly? The Soekris DAC doesn't put out the standard 4V on XLR?. This is would be almost enough for max power output because the Fusion needs 6.15V (2.18V with RCA) for max power at default and 2.18V (0.98V with RCA) for max power can be selected with a jumper soldering.
How do you mean that it not fills the ADC properly? The Soekris DAC doesn't put out the standard 4V on XLR?. This is would be almost enough for max power output because the Fusion needs 6.15V (2.18V with RCA) for max power at default and 2.18V (0.98V with RCA) for max power can be selected with a jumper soldering.

I use the unbuffered single ended output which is max 1.4 Vrms.

No DAC out there is any better than 22 bits. Not that it matters, I haven't come across source material or listening rooms that do better than 16 bits.

Gain and headroom are kind of opposite things - less gain gives more headroom.

The problem is that you lose MSBs, not LSBs. So even if the fusion had effectively 22 bits, by losing two MSBs it would become 20 bits. But indeed, 20 bits is not too shabby yet...

Regarding headroom, I was referring to avoiding digital clipping. By raising amp gain, it will be less likely that digital clipping will occur. And I could remove tweeter attenuation...

Are you tried to disable the "Volume on start" box? This way the amp start at the last volume level that are used.

Which Shutdown powermode are you using with the digital input? The Standby (<0,5W) mode is works only with analogue input. With digital input, the only option is the Low power mode.

Many times, for some reason whenever I shut the amp off and power it back on it reverts back to -96... but only when it's in slave mode, in Master it doesn't do this, it keeps it's volume where it was before it was powered down.

Not sure about the digital mode, I will check and report back.

Did you set at the slave the volume at startup box at the same value as the master? 1 to 4 are the sensitivity settings, so try it!

Which is most sensitive? 1 or 4?

I did set the slave volume. I've tried setting it and I've tried the "lock" feature but nothing works; in slave mode, whenever I shut the amp off then power it back up the volume returns to -96.