The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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Joined 2009
Paid Member
For highers values, wich kind of zener, the same: 1N4148 0.65V?

+-15V = 7 Leds x 1.8V + 3 1N4148 x 0.65V + 0.6 standard = 15.15V

+-24V = 12 Leds x 1.8V + 3 1N4148 x 0.65V + 0.6 standard = 24.15V

Or I have to use other diode to match exact voltage needed, if yes please let me know wich type, or will be better if you let me know how can look for the needed diode or zener, thks.

In the schematic is C1 // Vref, so it's included or I have to add other more in // with the Vref?

Sorry for mine ignorance.
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For highers values, wich kind of zener, the same: 1N4148 0.65V?

+-15V = 7 Leds x 1.8V + 3 1N4148 x 0.65V + 0.6 standard = 15.15V

+-24V = 12 Leds x 1.8V + 3 1N4148 x 0.65V + 0.6 standard = 24.15V

Or I have to use other diode to match exact voltage needed, if yes please let me know wich type, or will be better if you let me know how can look for the needed diode or zener, thks.

In the schematic is C1 // Vref, so it's included or I have to add other more in // with the Vref?

Sorry for mine ignorance.


For 15V: use 8 x LED. 8 x 1.8V = 14.4V + 0.65V(Vbe) = 15.05V
For 24V: use 13 x LED. 13 x 1.8V = 23.4V + 0.65V(Vbe) = 24.05V

For voltages 12V or lower is better to use LED's. For higher voltages LED's can be used, but it is not practical. Better to use Zener (less parts count but more noise as LED).

Use 1N4148 or resistors only to fine tune output voltage.


you want EXACTLY 8.5V output voltage.
Using 4 LED: 4 x 1.8V = 7.2V + 0.65V (Vbe) = 7.85V (too low) :(
Using 5 LED: 5 x 1.8V = 9V + 0.65V(Vbe) = 9.65V (too high) :(
Using 4 LED + 1N4148: 4 x 1.8V = 7.2V + 0.65V(1N4148) + 0.65V(Vbe) = 8.5V :)
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Is it normal that the output voltage drops to 0.4V after 10-15 minutes of work? What happens with the others who made this power supply?

So, during start-up power the output voltage is + /-24.1V DC after 10-15 minutes the output voltage drops to + /-23.7V DC and does not change over the next 4 hours.

Yes its normal it lapses after some thermal set. Its you use so many LEDS it will collectively be so as a value.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Thank salas, so I thought. If the temperature coefficient of the LED -2mV / C, and I have 12 LEDs, 2mV * 12 = 24mV / C. If the temperature rise of 4 degrees and so will the output voltage drops to 0.1V, is not it?

It is valid, if you touch them from cold and then, they could be rising more degrees? Also their tc can be stronger? And they are not alone. The JFET underneath lapses happily until final IDSS which is governed by a BJT's Vbe, and then is the universe and its zodiac sign.:D Since it stops steady -0.4V after 15 mins, its tell tale some thermal set is taking place for it as a system.
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