The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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Joined 2009
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For phono I have enough space but are really hugh seems a tin Coca-Cola, I bought in an audio shop specialized in tubes here in Spain, are purchased when I used tubes (still I have a pair mono blocks Jadis JA-80 that are without use & heavily modified with BG, Caddock, etc. Now I'm using Borbely two mono blocks 75WRMS Class A solid state)
Joined 2009
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VRef 100uF BG NP caps more resolution so less noise mixed with signal, compared vs Pana FC 1000uF seems a little less punch almost due to less capacitance, so as always you gain something & you less something or almost it's our subjective way to hear that only remember sensations like our mind. Pana sounds more strong like live rock concerts only loose a little of definition but when you hear voices, sax, trumpets, electric guitarts, classical trios or quartets perform perfectly, the 3D is right there, the NP performs better with classical for example Sinfonic Orchestra you can hear more instruments when playing togheter, seems the system have more wide soundstage the penalty to pay is that no 3D effect is right there only can get maximum 2D for example playing Carmina Burana "O Fortuna" - Carl Orff or Toccata & Fuga - Bach perform better the Pana possible due to his punch really gets the 3D.

I left for a time the NP but surely come back to Pana or will do the V1.2, about V1.2 wich film caps are better: Wima MKP or Solen MKP because I mind not compensate spend more money in boutique audiphile caps?
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Mind you 1.2 needs good layout practices. Tight. If it is done wrong it will show 250mV 12.5MHz oscillation. You will understand something is wrong even if without a scope because it is going to choke the music in the phono, will sound distant with hum everywhere in the spectrum. If the signal is as strong and clean as before without new noises, its a success.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Today I did experiment on simple man's 1.2 dead bug, so someone can practice easier and learn. I used 10M45S and no trimmer and no films. Significantly lower parts count. The bandwidth is the same, OK the CCS is not as good and can not be set more than depletion's idss, but if its pre filtered with CRC it can make it somehow. It worked alright even with flying crock leads, I set it at 72mA with 33R and 2k2 gate stopper. Could see 1mV of wideband noise with the 10M45S, that I could not with the enhanced mode and its cascode tail of the full 1.2. but could be also due to its just a makeshift toy construction. I show it with DN2540 in schema here which is better, but I don't have in hand.


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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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We came to a proto pcb idea with THKL from Germany for 1.2, said will try it soon some pages back but he did not feedback yet.
That from 110 is OK for V1.0. But that one will never oscillate, has very hefty margin, and its low parts count, you can make it any way you like.
Joined 2006
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Mind you 1.2 needs good layout practices. Tight. If it is done wrong it will show 250mV 12.5MHz oscillation. You will understand something is wrong even if without a scope because it is going to choke the music in the phono, will sound distant with hum everywhere in the spectrum. If the signal is as strong and clean as before without new noises, its a success.

I already ordered all the parts for a full-on film V1.2

Hope the big output cap does not lead me into layout troubles :)
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