The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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This is how I imagined pcb for a symmetrical version of this power supply. Is it good? I drew only the positive side, the negative will follow soon.


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I can try & report. Thank you. I see this pic Walter Jung regs

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

"Optimal Star Wiring
This star wired scheme gives optimal performance in any given situation. Load 1, 2 and 3 represent circuits being powered by the regulator. In this scheme the regulator is sensing (i.e. measuring) the output voltage between OP1/2 and 0V. Any errors introduced as a result of the load currents changing are corrected by the regulator circuit such that the loads do not interfere with one another."
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Picture above is from ALWSR regulator manuals. ALWSR is series regulator (based on Walt Jung topology) and Simplistic Salas is shunt regulator.
Shunt regulators can somethimes go into oscillations with multiple loads and wires with different lenght and multiple capacitors on load.
You can isolate loads from each other, but you will throw away all benefits of shunt :D (low output Z and good regulation). Just be careful and check everything with scope if regulator is stable.


  • ALWSR_star.jpg
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Picture above is from ALWSR regulator manuals. ALWSR is series regulator (based on Walt Jung topology) and Simplistic Salas is shunt regulator.
Shunt regulators can somethimes go into oscillations with multiple loads and wires with different lenght and multiple capacitors on load.
You can isolate loads from each other, but you will throw away all benefits of shunt :D (low output Z and good regulation). Just be careful and check everything with scope if regulator is stable.

Thanks for the input I didn't see Walts are series regulator. Salas is using 1 reg for 2 loads (Stereo Salas Simplisticis NJFET RIAA)....
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What I was saying is that if I were you, I would use the CCS from Salas v1.2, and the shunt from my 5k. It simulates well, but I haven't built it.

I'am glad to hear you again. Please let us know the schematic of your 5k shunt, better if you can draw full schematic togheter the CCS Salas V1.2 & handfull how we can reach several voltages?


Joined 2008
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to this thread. Here's a draft of what I had in mind. As far as I know it has never been built, so take it with a grain of salt. The usual issues should apply, good layout, etc. It simulates well.


  • reg-v12-5k.png
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I note that C4 is shown, as with all decoupling capacitors, at the transistor that changes current demand quickly to try to compensate for the current demands of the load.
This is where I have been placing it. But many are locating the decoupling at the load.

Can the location actually affect stability.
Is there a way to simulate the trace capacitances and inductances to show if location can produce different performance.
Joined 2006
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Hi Andrew

I have been experimenting with this output cap placement and can assure you that the location really affects stability.

In some cases, the shunt stuck on 13v. To get to the desired vout (37v) I needed to shut the power off for some seconds (3~5) and than power on again.

With a carefully chosen GND layout, the problem is now solved.

(Thanks Salas :))
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