The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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I am also building an 8V BiB @500mA to try with my Shigaclone


Reference R is 300R + 1K pot aiming for ~1K
Filter and zobel will be electrolytic as per the guide (220 and 47 uF)
The CSS R will be 2R, the main filter cap will be 10000uF and the diodes are MUR860.
Oh and I just noticed that I need to short D302B

Any thoughts taking into consideration the weird load that the ShigaClone will be? Digital+motors....?
Is there any reason to use a 22000uF cap ?


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I don't have Shigaclone, but I heard it can be powered separately. 5V for digital + 8V for motor.

This photo is not mine. If there is issue, I will remove it.

Although Salas's regulator performs excellently, I don't recommend it for CD motor. Too much heat. You can power the digital 5V by Salas's and use a LM317T or LT1085 for motor.
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Checking reg's stability?

I'm building the reg for the Shigaclone as well.
When checking the reg's stability (e.g. checking for oscillations), it seems a scope is only way to go but (as I don't have one) are there any other tell-tale signs that the reg isn't stable?
I read in this thread that an A.M. radio (if close enough) will pick up major oscillation problems. Are there any other tests or conditions that indicate the reg is unstable? Maybe the output voltage varies a significant amount?

canvas the Shigaclone on its current incarnation can take up to 4 separate PSUs and this is something that I would love to check at some point.

About the heat, the psu will be on a separate case so no problem there.

To be precise, the laser pickup can be powered separately (5V+8V). Others, of course, can be powered as much as you can. My transporter is based on SONY CXD2500 & CXA1372, and I am planning to to do the same thing. Perhaps 2 PSUs for CXD2500 and another for CXA1372. BTW, I think it's overkill to have Salas's regulator for motor.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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I'm building the reg for the Shigaclone as well.
When checking the reg's stability (e.g. checking for oscillations), it seems a scope is only way to go but (as I don't have one) are there any other tell-tale signs that the reg isn't stable?
I read in this thread that an A.M. radio (if close enough) will pick up major oscillation problems. Are there any other tests or conditions that indicate the reg is unstable? Maybe the output voltage varies a significant amount?


Wide band hum on the signal, suspicious heat, unstable current bias, are usual signs of strong oscillation in general. Mild one it may be more sneaky though.

I would like to try Reflektor powering 5V digital at dac
would you please advise which Is most actual schematic to use
that one from october 2011 or from october 2012
Which shunt MosFet Is recommended for 5V dc out IRF640 or STP55NF06L
what values do you recommend for gate stoppers resistors 220, 150, 100
which type metal film of carbon
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