The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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First is a dense noise like pattern though when the other is some shape. It may gets its peaks mixed in the noise too. But the amplitudes are very different still. Is there some clock related frequency that explains circa 5MHZ possible emission on the Shiga? Harmonically related up or down a crystal fundamental even?
Yep that s them.
Thanks a lot for the quick after-hours helpdesk :)

The crystal is at ~16Mhz if I remember correctly.

However I was getting something similar with the plain 7808 psu before separating the digital parts from the motors. It was about same size, but bit different freq

I found the capture... Don t know if it s related...

At the time I was suspecting the FRs with their low ESR making the 7808 ring...

By the way the cap at the sense seems to have made things worse


The 5Mhz seem to dissapear some times though... it seems to depend a lot on how I attach the probe...


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