The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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Joined 2006
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The solution I found for the oscilations.........


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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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any reason why DCSTB power supply for headamp wouldn't work well as a regulator for digital 3.3v output (maybe with mosfet as pass transistor)?

I'm just just curious how it would fare...

It would work well as far as a glorified Cmult goes. But with Mosfet it would do worse than originally designed. More heat and possibly lower spec too.
Although Toshiba has discontinued all of the leaded parts afaik, a dual in SM exists, the 2SK2145, which might be useable with some sort of adapter socket. They also tied the two channels together instead of bringing both ends of them out and using a sixth pin, which I found remarkably short-sighted.

edit: the 2145 is essentially two SK117

Thanks for finding this. Has anyone tried these with adapter or leads soldered (I assume using half of this chip)?
Bias currents

For the original simplistic design, post #8, what is the bias current set by J1 and J2? I don't have any 2SK170's on hand to measure.

I'm considering this for my next project, but 170's cost (almost) as much as gold, and I would rather use 2SK117, 2N5457, BF256, or other. For a constant current source, any small signal JFET with a gate-source resistor should in theory work, maybe not as well as the 170's but good enough for this project. I would like to set the bias currents the same as in the original design.
For the original simplistic design, post #8, what is the bias current set by J1 and J2? I don't have any 2SK170's on hand to measure.

I'm considering this for my next project, but 170's cost (almost) as much as gold, and I would rather use 2SK117, 2N5457, BF256, or other. For a constant current source, any small signal JFET with a gate-source resistor should in theory work, maybe not as well as the 170's but good enough for this project. I would like to set the bias currents the same as in the original design.

The version shown in post7584 does not require any sk170.
The sk170 (or any very low pinch off voltage jFET of similar current rating) is only required where the operational Vds is very low.

Medium Vpinchoff, medium gm devices would do.
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