The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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I reckon it comes back to using Borbely's advice:
ensure the working Vds across a jFET is at least double it's Vpinchoff.

A low Idss, high gm device can have a Vpinch off around 0.3Vgs
It is this that allows an sk170 to operate with a Vds of ~0.6V
Swap in a medium gm device and it won't work as well as the high gm device simply because Vds is too small relative to Vpinch off.

a BL graded sk170 has a higher V pinch off than a GR graded. It is better to use GR where the Vds is low and the current requirement is also low.
post8 J1 and post1 Q5, must be a low pinch off, high gm device.

Ahhh... I understand. I have always had a soft spot for low part-count designs, so I wanted to try the original very simplistic design. If I tackled the project, I would build 2 positive supplies, because with OSH Park you get 3 boards per order, so 2 for the project and 1 for spare. Small parts count = small boards = smaller chassis size and therefore my interest. Thanks for your help.
It might be...

I was thinking about changing Buffalo III-SE local regulators to series regs - and they all have input caps around 100uF (elyt-caps).. you don't think this is going to be an trouble?

As you note, the new TPA series regs have a fair amount of C onboard. I found that powering the Legato 3 with BiB regs worked way better by changing the 6 100 uF electrolytic caps to .1 uF film caps. With the 600 uF onboard the BiB regs oscillated. If you have 5 of the new TPA series regs, you will have quite a bit of capacitance onboard, and should at least check the BiB with a 'scope for oscillations.
I find I prefer the Reflektor to power the B-IIIse board anyway, and I have not had oscillation using the Reflektor to power other digital boards with around 500-600 uF local decoupling.
hi Salas, I've to supply a Cubie Truck (streaming device) and a tera hard disk with 5V. I checked the current sinked by both the devices when they play music, about 0.8A in avarege with peaks of 1.1A.
What schematic I've to use? I think one with IRFP9240.
I remember a post with schematic for supply 2A ( a little power amp), but I don't know
where in this big thread. Can you help me?
Happy new years to everyone!
I do not remember if I posted this before, but a conversation with a friend last night reminded me it is worth sharing here.

Some time ago while I was experimenting with BiB I smoked plenty of 2SK170 when I shorted the output. Depending on the type (combination of ESR and capacitance) of capacitor filtering the reference voltage C4, the pn-junction of Q5 (according to my schematic below) conducts too much current for a small period of time. The solution was to use protection smd Schottky diode D2. I tested both SS14 and MBR0504 and they worked fine, saving Q5 when shorting the output.


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Why so many? You were carrying out systematic shoring tests?

Yes :eek: Then I ran some similations in LTSpice to confirm my mishaps.

The funny thing was that I had no problems with my RIAA regulator with 220uF Silmic II (Vref lytic) and Vout=28V. But my DAC regulator with Vout=5V and Nichicon KA 1000uF caused me all these troubles :D

So, it is indeed a combination of Cvref value, ESR and Vout, i.e. energy transfered through the Q5 pn junction during transients produced by shorting the output ;)
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