The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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No, that's now wrong.
It was the pair of joined leads that was wrong in the pic. (look at some other datasheets to see the pic error).
The gate and the way it exits near the Source lead was correct.
You now have them upside down.
They are both Pch devices and the drain goes to -ve side.
The gate and source should both be towards the +ve side.

It's the pic that was drawn incorrectly by the software supplier.
I corrected the mosfet pinout.
And tried to minimize the AC current loop with an upper level plane.


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Hi all
My knowledge in building elektronics are very limited, so i would like to know if it is possible to buy a salas power suply ready build, and tested?
I need two salas 15-0-15v power suply´s for 2x2 curryman dac´s dual mono, and then three good 5v, either regulated or good linear, for a mini shark and the four curryman.
I want to have a separate power suply for the mini shark, and then run the dac´s in dual mono, 8 outputs.
Any help is apresiated.

I would prefer a design with onboard rectifiers and filtering caps, so i only need hook up the toroids.
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Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi Andrew,
Yes, and my direct experience with repairing commercial DAC equipment shows they do tend to use a bipolar supply for the analogue portion. Every DAC needs a buffer at the very least, and the post filters also require bipolar power supplies commonly. Some use as low as +/- 5V in addition to the digital 5 V supply (or 3.3 VDC in newer products).

The point is, having a bipolar supply for the analogue portion of a DAC is expected and normal. Your analogue signal requires some amplification after the I/V converter, so for a proper DAC, you do need multiple voltages for anything that has half decent quality. Plus, the OP asked for these additional supply voltages and that alone should be good enough for you. :)

Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi nezbleu,
Yes, I read that and made the mental conversion. But then, the following question and statements from Andrew did not address this as his problem. Taken verbatim, maybe he does need an AC source as well. If that is the source of confusion, then ask directly. Something like this :

Hi E30NA, did you mean you need an AC source, or is it a bipolar DC supply, +/- 15?

Andrew added the small ac text to his response, but it should have been an open question without the qualifiers the way he asked. After all, Andrew did state that he felt that a single +5 volt supply is all that was needed. That is incorrect in itself. This is what I was addressing.

Yes, i need some 15-0-15v dc regulated for the curryman dac's and some 5v dc for the dac's and the minishark.
Ad anatech points out, the dac's needs dual 15-0-15v and a 5v, and the minishark needs a single 5v. I vant to use four stereo curryman dac's and a minishark for a digital filter and room corection setup, and i want to run two dac's per psu, and one psu for the Minishark. This is overkill om the psu, and that is my intention. I would like to end up with something that match the high end alternatives Our there.
The final setup will be the Minishark/curryman pre, å 3 way diy with Vifa Neo speakers,two sub's, a Vincent sp331 for the bas speakers, tubes for mid and high, and a hypex amp for the subs.
i built another pair using irfp9240 this time, using this schematic.


one of them acts differently than all the other ones i've built- when turned off, the output led dims out before the ccs leds, where as all the other ones have ccs leds (the 3 string red leds) dim out first. all other behaviors of the 'abnormal' one seems ok, though.

where can i measure voltages to make sure it's working properly?
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