The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
Paid Member

If they can achieve more Vdrop than your current Leds, yes the total current will rise when keeping same R1. I see they state Vf 2.1. If they are also typical 10-20mA they are common. I see they are very expensive though. A bag of leds in nice price from some electronics shop does the job most of the times. Especially if they allow you to test one from the bag.
Joined 2006
Paid Member

If they can achieve more Vdrop than your current Leds, yes the total current will rise when keeping same R1. I see they state Vf 2.1. If they are also typical 10-20mA they are common. I see they are very expensive though. A bag of leds in nice price from some electronics shop does the job most of the times. Especially if they allow you to test one from the bag.

In this case, Vf = 2,1 .... does it mean Vdrop should be 2,1V ?
Nice board !

Would you please post a schematic that goes with the board so we can all follow your work ?


Ok! you can see some image my friend make with Salas shunt low!


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