The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Yes, thank's ikoflexer.

I think that dissipation at 2SK170 is a little bit high for this version which i intend to use. I am thinking right now to increase value R3, about 3Kohm.In that case Uds will be 10V, dissipation is 10V*5mA=50mW, that is safe for TO92. Voltage at R3, if i use 3K will be around 15V. Is that OK?

Naah, its been working for ages like that and harder, in many phono stages. Don't increase the tail impedance that much if it worries you still (246 is 100mW less capable than 170). Back down the Idss instead, the way I mentioned.
One more question :D

What value for R1 to R8 schould I use? Current will be 100mA, 50mA goes through preamplifier and 50mA goes through shunt, total 100mA.

Is it Ok tu use 2.2ohm for R1 to R8??? Proposal? Transformer is dual secondary, it is not central taped. I have modified pcb a little bit...


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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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One more question :D

What value for R1 to R8 schould I use? Current will be 100mA, 50mA goes through preamplifier and 50mA goes through shunt, total 100mA.

Is it Ok tu use 2.2ohm for R1 to R8??? Proposal? Transformer is dual secondary, it is not central taped. I have modified pcb a little bit...

Maybe 1R is enough to smooth out the sawtooth without losing much voltage and heating the resistors too much. As Stormsonic said, at about 200-250mA there is better performance if you can accept the heat waste on sinks. I like your decision to use LEDS for Vref on the schematic.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Yes 15-15 the score.:D Looks like a good board. To listen with more current if the chassis takes it its just a matter of changing 2 set resistors. No big deal. You can test subjectively at your leisure. Depends on how ''responsive'' the client circuits will be.
Yes 15-15 the score.:D Looks like a good board. To listen with more current if the chassis takes it its just a matter of changing 2 set resistors. No big deal. You can test subjectively at your leisure. Depends on how ''responsive'' the client circuits will be.

Congratulations on your win Salas!

First at all it's important to work, second is adjustments for this regulator.
I like the idea of leds for vref but can not identify parts DS7 and DS8 :) What are those parts ?

Part's DS7 and DS8 is Vref. It's small board(8.13mm*35.56mm) on which are mounted Led's, there are 2*7Led's=14 led diode. You only need attention in orientation of led's on that small board. I think's that this small board is good idea.
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