The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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Joined 2009
Paid Member
Hi Salas,

i would like to use your design in my 4xTDA1541A DAC.
The max. current for the three voltage lines are:

+5V: 160mA
-5V: 200mA
-15V: 140mA

Do you think it is possible with your circuit version quanghao is using ?


  • Cricuit Salas shunt for DAC.jpg
    Cricuit Salas shunt for DAC.jpg
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Joined 2009
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Not as it is. Needs to set the currents higher and build 2 negative ones. One with a larger secondary & trimmer for your -15V.

Sure, i need to make a new layout. Did you have some values for the higher current and the -15V trimmer?
BTW, is a 18V AC secondary enough for this line or do i need a 21V AC?

Also i would like to make an externe psu with much more capacity per line (~50.000µF).
So it would be also interesting to know how much VA the transformer should be.
I have no problem to oversize this on.
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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18VAC is OK. Circa 2k5 trimmer will get it to -15V. R1 under 10R normally gives more than 200mA, depends strongly on the LEDs Vf. Must be 5W. Try 6R8-8R2, see the Vdrop on it and calculate the running current with Ohm's law. The spare current burns on the sinks, remember. Leave at least +20% over the load needs to burn. Tx VA goes along voltage and current burned, and is good to be x2. Beyond that it is anecdotal and subjective.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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6R8 to 10R in TOTAL. 6R8/3 is going to set too much current which will lead to heat. If you find it better with 3 resistors for heat spread, part size etc, check with 33R or 27R 2W X3 in parallel and if its not as much as you need go 22R 2W X3 in parallel, better make it stronger only on the one you need the most current. Be conservative, the excess is burned on the sinks, and you only have local ones up to a size.

Plan for 10V Vin - Vout, makes it run better for rejection and mains tolerances. 9-5V diff is little. Just the Vgs. This version works stable on all layouts, just double check there is no connections mistake against the schematic. If you could just bring the gate stoppers very near to the MOS gates would be nice though.
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