The simplistic Salas low voltage shunt regulator

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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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It will stress the ccs dissipation if in heavy shunt when going low and having Tx for high. In a light current shunt, cool. Gives an adjustable one. Have said to jameshill in an old post again. Maybe with 2 seconadries and a switch for them & resistors?

Thanks for bringing me here.

Salas, Iko and guys,

I am happy to build both Salas v1 and Iko v2. I think I will approach it this way - I will start building the Salas v1 as soon as I have my questions sorted out and parts ordered. This is to drive a single OPA627 buffer, nothing else, on +/-15VDC rails. For v2, from what I have read, only Iko and Pham have built it. It is probably beyond my ability and skills to do it. But still, I am happy to give it a try, to be a "tester" for v2. Before I complete v1, v2 will progess in the background for preparation only. Once good sonic is realised in v1, v2 will follow. The purpose of v2 is different, and it will drive 22 opamps on +/-15VDC rails.

Could you please kindly supply the schematics / parts for both the + and - 15VDC rails for a single OPA627 buffer? Actually the rails can be anything from +/-12VDC to +/-15VDC.

I am a novice so thanks in advance for your patience.

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Joined 2008
jkeny, if you get to read this, and if you really want to use the tl431, here's how (see attachment). You'll need to change the values of R16 to get the voltage you want on the output.


  • reg-v1-tl431.png
    4.6 KB · Views: 666


Joined 2008
Welcome to the thread Bill! I tell you, with salas, it's always been a fun ride for me :D

OK, let's get down to business. Have a look at this, it comes with a nice layout too, due to one very talented member here.


R1 sets the current limit (total current passed). The total current will be roughly made up of the current drawn by the load, plus the current through the shunt mosfet (I'm just ignoring the vref current now). You can set the desired voltage output with an appropriate choice of zener diode. Input voltage should be about 10V above the target voltage. There's a negative version of this circuit too, but I don't have it handy, maybe when salas wakes up :D (he never sleeps really).
Thanks, Iko. I am totally unfamiliar with parts. Which zener to use to give 15V?

With the JSR, I like the sound without the bypass capacitor around the zener, I wonder if that applies here too?

C4 is a Elna Silmic. I had 2 dozens of them on my Marantz SA11 (made in Japan, around US$3,000?) but I didn't like their sound and removed and sold them. They are warm, tube-like sounding but coloured in my personal opinion. I don't like the sound of electrolytic capacitors, but if I have to have them, I prefer Rubyzon ZL, much cleaner, neutral sounding, and faster but with a peaky treble. It is quite low in impedance so I wonder if it works here.

As for heatsinks, I prefer to be on the safe side and don't mind over doing it, i.e. the CSS must not overheat on full load, and the shunt must not overheat on no load.

OK. I have had a headache since this morning and have to retire to sleep. I will get back to this tonight (Sydney time).

And am anxiously awaiting for the schematic for the negative supply.



Joined 2008
Sorry to hear about your headache.

The zener can be a 1N4744A. I would not remove that cap. V1 has been extensively tested and tweaked by people with good ears, and the consensus is that the cap is needed. My noise measurements confirm this. But best is to make your own mind.

About the choice of caps, salas and nicoch46 can say much more. The thread in which salas has first made the regulator available is this

There are many comments there about tweaks, but it's also a long thread. :)

About heat sinks. The inherent workings of the shunt are such that the more current the load draws, the less current will go through the shunt mosfet (the mosfet that passes current to ground). The CCS mosfet, the one after R1, passes a steady total current all the time. The IRFP9240 and IRFP240 are TO-247 devices, they can dissipate quite a lot of heat if properly heat sink-ed.

Have a look at these two.



Edit: this is V1
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Hi Salas, Ikoflexer and everyone,

I need a schematic of Salas V1 for my DAC which require +15V at 68ma and -15V at 43ma.
I have a two dual 15V transformer already.
I would be gratefull if you have any equivalent schematics for me.
I have a question for the voltage reference, for example because I need 15V output if I place a 9V zener in serie with three 1.8V led would this be OK?

Thank you
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Hi Salas, Ikoflexer and everyone,

I need a schematic of Salas V1 for my DAC which require +15V at 68ma and -15V at 43ma.
I have a two dual 15V transformer already.
I would be gratefull if you have any equivalent schematics for me.
I have a question for the voltage reference, for example because I need 15V output if I place a 9V zener in serie with three 1.8V led would this be OK?

Thank you

Don't use a 9V zener, its one of the bad noise zener region. Use 7 - 8 red leds instead. Match them and see how near 15V they get you. Polarity of leds is the same as the 3 leds go in above schematics in each positive and negative shunt. R1=15R 2W is enough current for your application, +/- 150mA CCS. 6R8 runs it above 200mA with most leds. Not necessary.


Joined 2008
I forgot to mention, everyone. For the easy entry to V1, have a look at this:

There's a group buy for a nice board which includes dual rail regulator, direct coupled B1 buffer, and soft start. But some people get the boards only for the regulator (easy to change voltage out, current, etc.).

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the GB, just mentioned it in case it may be helpful.


salas, you weren't around earlier so I took the liberty to post a dual rail schematic of V1. Let me know if I should change anything. :)
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Thank Salas and Ikoflexer !!!
to day I finish the Salas shunt for my DAC!
I think It is very good, and wonderfull, I draw again cricuit, anh I make some
I use tow LEDS and Trim change to zener! That is better!
thank you again!

Great draw quality schematic. Thanks. Seems I got a new nickname in the Far East.:D

All the guys who want a DAC 5V version may refer to this. Endorsed for visual clarity and optimum Vref. The 100R in series with two leds is a trimmer.
The resistor in the CCS IRFP9240 is the 470R.


Joined 2008
I forgot to mention, everyone. For the easy entry to V1, have a look at this:

There's a group buy for a nice board which includes dual rail regulator, direct coupled B1 buffer, and soft start. But some people get the boards only for the regulator (easy to change voltage out, current, etc.).

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the GB, just mentioned it in case it may be helpful.


salas, you weren't around earlier so I took the liberty to post a dual rail schematic of V1. Let me know if I should change anything. :)
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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I have seen it before I went voting. Its OK.

I may remind that the DCB1S shunt's part is tuned to it, and I would prefer jameshill pcb liberty. I run the positive Vref harder on that GB's shunt part for special reasons.

Thanks Iko for keeping the thread informative.
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