The Weather

So, that’s why they call it the Sea to Sky.
Managed to luck out on a not too toasty day, clear and only very slight breeze.


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So, that’s why they call it the Sea to Sky.
Nice Chris, I am guessing you didn't call because of that nasty bug thing and of course your advanced age? Hanh and I will be doing that as soon as we feel comfortable. Provided the cable remains un-sabotaged.
Another sunny day
We are heading close to that locally. Unfortunately we are not prepared for it. Other parts of the province are expecting that and perhaps worse.


Joined 2003
Paid Member
Heat-dome is a thing in LA and a few other parts. I agree Vancouver is not a likely place. I remember LA basin in the 1950s with the leaded gas and still open tar-pits at LaBrea and the oil fields, and it was brutal.

No auto-spell here. When it snows, the 4WD vehicles do not have to go real slow. They can't brake or steer, only accelerate, so they go off-road with significant speed. Just like underground cables attract backhoes, power poles attract jeeps. Oh, and because there's always a pole at a corner where a jeep is likely to go straight instead. (Lower-case because not all are Jeep®s.)

No, we can't bury our wires. We do not have the population density or the soil. The glaciers started at Quebec and slid out to sea, wiping the bedrock bare. Moss, ferns, and spruce sprinkled a foot of duff in 10,000 years, not enough for rich farming or to bury wires. If we had 500 electric meters per kilometer.... but here we have <20/km. Even if electricity were free, payback for rock excavation and underground cable would be over a century.
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Here in Denver it is more likely to be a Ford truck or Dodge RAM that will take out a pole. Most of the jeep drivers have a little less brain damage.
We had one power pole pole in front of our house taken out by a Dodge truck a few years ago. No power for about 12 hours. No bad weather just bad driving.

We have a Honda CRV and a Toyota Previa with AWD and one Honda Civic with just FWD. I make sure the kids know not to let the ability to go will not help them when they need to stop with the AWD vehicles.

Denver has not gotten the extreme dryness or heat like the rest of the west is getting. Looking like more lawn mowing and tree cutting here.
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Heat-dome is a thing in LA and a few other parts.
Also in Xan -- had to memorize this 50+ years ago"

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Aleph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.
So twice five miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round;
And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.
Our central is out, we're unprepared also and we're lookin at 105+ F temps Sunday and Monday; it's in the high 80s today and our little cheweenie is feeling it. So am I. Ceiling fans and window management is all we can do. Fortunately there's a public lake access within a mile, but I suspect it's going to be a madhouse there with its 50 yard shoreline, 1/3 of which is a concrete boat launch.

It may just be hotel weekend time! 105 low humidity heat actually ain’t bad. But with where you are with the humidity it can go from miserable to lethal. Around here they open up “cooling centers” for those without air conditioning.

I was in Seattle when it was above 80 and they were briefing the stadium ushers on how to handle the heat with water, rest and reduced labor.
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We're headed to 97F in the next day or two here in hot New England. Unfortunately, that goes with HIGH relative humidity (90%+) so it's kinda unbearable. When I'm working beads of sweat run down my back all dayi (8 hours!). ENOUGH already! If I didn't have to work I'd just laze around home with music on. But I DO have to work, and we only have AC in one room. Hard but I can't justify AC in more than one room unless we can find a system much more efficient.