The Well Tempered Master Clock - Building a low phase noise/jitter crystal oscillator

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You remind me that AS318B must be more competitive, so the price of 45 and 49MHz is directly cut in half now, only 20 US dollars, including international postage fee.

I have never talk about price, since you claimed that the Accusilon is a "extremely low phase noise crystal oscillator" I did remind you to the plots and measurements of some real low phase noise oscillators, so you can see that the Accusilon is a "extremely HIGH phase noise crystal oscillator".
Ah, you came in between ?!

What I meant is indeed Laptech takes a little times and Andrea (and now the "We" team) are ready before on the pcbs printing & shippment. My question was more related about you had to buy a moq and perhaps didn't need all. So As I have only three at-Cut and only a 5 Mhz SC-Cut I will ask if I need an SC-Cut before the next grup buys but if you populated all of them already :cool:. My SC-Cut is agging between two Bordeaux and few Bourgognes bottles in the basement - SC-Cut 2019 edition-

Why they created 2 speeds, is it not strange they did ?!
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DRIXO, EXO and PXO require transformers kit.

I haven't paid attention to this thread in a long time. I found out that a new oscillator has been developped?
Is the design public or only available through the groupbuy?
If it's public, is there a document with schematic/PCB/BoM and possible requirements? Where can I find it?

I noticed you are doing a battery supply nowadays, sounds great!
Ah, you came in between ?!

What I meant is indeed Laptech takes a little times and Andrea (and now the "We" team) are ready before on the pcbs printing & shippment. My question was more related about you had to buy a moq and perhaps didn't need all. So As I have only three at-Cut and only a 5 Mhz SC-Cut I will ask if I need an SC-Cut before the next grup buys but if you populated all of them already :cool:. My SC-Cut is agging between two Bordeaux and few Bourgognes bottles in the basement - SC-Cut 2019 edition-

Why they created 2 speeds, is it not strange they did ?!

I think I was lucky, nothing else.There was not enough interest for the frequency of 16.9344MHz even in the previous GB. So I decided not to wait, but to order.The fact that it was accidentally available in stock
from some previous production, certainly helped.
I cannot see any OCXO upgrade for the Raspberry on TeraDak website, I see only a board with a pair of cheap TCXO (Raspberry Pi 3B+ modified clock crystal TCXO warm-filled crystal oscillator upgrade crystal oscillator) without any phase noise measurement.

Can you point me to the OCXO you are talking about?
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