The Well Tempered Master Clock - Building a low phase noise/jitter crystal oscillator

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  • DoubleBlind_750pix.jpg
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:nownow: For some, it's more than just audio, it's a business... :$::$::$:

You have no idea of DIY business obviously. You can easily erase all 3 usd signs. For me and others I know, sales of DIY products pay for the prototypes and test equipment. As my LinkedIn profile is public and SYN08 kindly reminded everyone, you can all see I had well paid jobs which paid the rent so to speak. From audio diy business there is no way you can come even close to such incomes.

So no need for simple sarcastic Statements as if you have been revealing true deeper goals of selling some audio stuff….

Very pathetic way of seeing things I must say
Dude i've been reading your posts and you seem to be trying to prove to yourself that you are right, insisting that everyone is subjective while you are objective - as if measurements are all that it takes. It seems to me this is the next level to bits are bits, when someone doesn't have complete understanding between the interaction of two complex system, one less so (digital chain + analogue ) and one much more so (human nervous system, ear, ear-brain-soul interface ) It's like those idiots on audioscience who insist that the topping dac which measures well is better than the holo spring or whatnot, which they never actually heard in a decent system or spent any time to listen. Just because sine wave looks good with oversampled signal doesn't mean jitter isn't introduce before oversampling which alters the result.

You assume our deep senses and conciousness cannot perceive differences in sound because an oscilloscope can't, even though in this case the oscilloscope does, considering it's clear that it can - considering the big difference in phase noise. If you were in a forum where big money gear is advertised, i would understand your incination towards audiophoolery conspiracy, but here - everybody who ever upgraded a clock on any device realised an improvement, probably hundreds of people.

I'm actually very frustrated that i cannot find people upgrading the "cheap" r2r dacs on the market, the 1000-3000USD range with better clocks and power supplies.

I for one had a soekris dac 1541, because i am lazy to learn how to solder, and when i had it working it proved SIMPLY PUT more relaxing to listen to than my other devices, the same songs were easier to pay attention too, less stressfull, even music i don't enjoy, and it was not a factor of resolution or black background, but something more. And of course, you can tell yourself that it was placebo sustained by the expense i made to get it, but i assure you, i also had a sony WM1Z which i paid double for and it lacked in every department by comparison, but worst issue was that it was much less pleasant to listen to high resolution music or DSD on it, than YOUTUBE on the soekris, even though it had more resolution and details in those cases. It was all about timing.

I'm convinced that a moderate difference in digital chain timing accuracy - per total, which r2r does alot better than any well timed ds - is more important than moderate differences in dynamics and resolution for the ENJOYMENT of the music perhaps - portraying not to the ears, but to the BRAIN a sense of PRESENCE, of fludity. Sure, you can measure turbulences and if the river is calm, it is calm, but what if there are micro turbulences that would not be observable by eye, in a river, nor by measuring the linearity at the river's end - the waterfall's drop ? That water is still there, it moved only slightly and went back to it's place before reaching the waterfall. But was it the exact same place and were all the particles in their initial flowing position ?

But what if our ear-brain-soul interface collects these minute interferences ? What if the compensation done by our human interface makes us tired and less interested in flowing with the music? Thus, i do not mean the quality of presence given by a horn or a full range paper driver, that, of course, is something else and much desired, but that one fares more to the EAR while the timing fares to the mind and the processes underneath, the inner senses, our own electrical sensors and internal oscilloscopes which spot the tiniest differences.

Maybe my dac comparison isn't great, because it compares delta sigma with r2r, however by your reason the delta sigma should even be better perhaps. From what i hear delta sigma benefits most from better clocks.

I am in fact disappointed by the fact that the soekris uses a si570 instead of individual upgradable oscillators which could have made it play in the five digits market with a few upgrades.

PS : Never sold anything audio in my life, only bought alot of crap which i don't use so i have 0 financial interest.

PS2: I'm looking for someone to build a 6 channel resistor ladder DAC with really good clocks, FPGA usb and spdif and either direct output or tube output stage. If anyone wants to undertake such a project, PM me with your offers and ideas. Also, if someone could find a way to bypass the si570 on the soekris and feed it something better, that would be even better, if not, chips would work too.
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Dude i've been reading your posts and you seem to be trying to prove to yourself that you are right, insisting that everyone is subjective while you are objective - as if measurements are all that it takes. It seems to me this is the next level to bits are bits, when someone doesn't have complete understanding between the interaction of two complex system, one less so (digital chain + analogue ) and one much more so (human nervous system, ear, ear-brain-soul interface ) It's like those idiots on audioscience who insist that the topping dac which measures well is better than the holo spring or whatnot, which they never actually heard in a decent system or spent any time to listen. Just because sine wave looks good with oversampled signal doesn't mean jitter isn't introduce before oversampling which alters the result.

You assume our deep senses and conciousness cannot perceive differences in sound because an oscilloscope can't, even though in this case the oscilloscope does, considering it's clear that it can - considering the big difference in phase noise. If you were in a forum where big money gear is advertised, i would understand your incination towards audiophoolery conspiracy, but here - everybody who ever upgraded a clock on any device realised an improvement, probably hundreds of people.

I'm actually very frustrated that i cannot find people upgrading the "cheap" r2r dacs on the market, the 1000-3000USD range with better clocks and power supplies.

I for one had a soekris dac 1541, because i am lazy to learn how to solder, and when i had it working it proved SIMPLY PUT more relaxing to listen to than my other devices, the same songs were easier to pay attention too, less stressfull, even music i don't enjoy, and it was not a factor of resolution or black background, but something more. And of course, you can tell yourself that it was placebo sustained by the expense i made to get it, but i assure you, i also had a sony WM1Z which i paid double for and it lacked in every

Yes, you follow the usual "It's still MY mom, drunk or sober" line of reasoning
and the childish approach that price and perfomance are interrelated in HiEndAudio.

department by comparison, but worst issue was that it was much less pleasant to listen to high resolution music or DSD on it, than YOUTUBE on the soekris, even though it had more resolution and details in those cases. It was all about timing.

I'm convinced that a moderate difference in digital chain timing accuracy - per total, which r2r does alot better than any well timed ds - is more important than moderate differences in dynamics and resolution for the ENJOYMENT of the music perhaps - portraying not to the ears, but to the BRAIN a sense of PRESENCE, of fludity. Sure, you can measure turbulences and if the river is calm, it is calm, but what if there are micro turbulences that would not be observable by eye, in a river, nor by measuring the linearity at the river's end - the waterfall's drop ? That water is still there, it moved only slightly and went back to it's place before reaching the waterfall. But was it the exact same place and were all the particles in their initial flowing position ?

But what if our ear-brain-soul interface collects these minute interferences ? What if the compensation done by our human interface makes us tired and less interested in flowing with the music? Thus, i do not mean the quality of presence given by a horn or a full range paper driver, that, of course, is something else and much desired, but that one fares more to the EAR while the timing fares to the mind and the processes underneath, the inner senses, our own electrical sensors and internal oscilloscopes which spot the tiniest differences.

What drugs are you on to make you segregate such lyrics? ear-brain-soul interface?

I am in fact disappointed by the fact that the soekris uses a si570 instead of individual upgradable oscillators which could have made it play in the five digits market with a few upgrades.
PS2: I'm looking for someone to build a 6 channel resistor ladder DAC with really good clocks, FPGA usb and spdif and either direct output or tube output stage. If anyone wants to undertake such a project, PM me with your offers and ideas. Also, if someone could find a way to bypass the si570 on the soekris and feed it something better, that would be even better, if not, chips would work too.

This is DIYaudio. Like Do It Yourself. You claim such a supreme view of things that
you should find it easy to remove a chip or cut a trace or two and feed in your superior
clock. Cannot? Oh, reality is a bitch!

It's so much easier to recite Cargo Cult Science from the armchair and look for
someone who does make your dream happen. Close to free as in free beer.

That's what this entire thread is. "Building a low phase noise/jitter crystal oscillator"
But It never was about oscillator design & building. Andrea & Co did all the work
and the fanbois engaged in lyrics. A few of them might even have a solder iron.

It is a pity we cannot create a time dilation bubble of some kind. We could then chuck syn08 and his chums in with Andrea and his chums, speed up time and maybe in a million years some kind of consensus will be reached.

Don't need a time bubble, only need to get both sides working cooperatively on measurements and listening tests in the same room at the same time. Daniel Kahneman used that type of cooperative methodology to resolve disagreements with some of his major critics. In one case they ended up publishing a paper subtitled, "A Failure to Disagree."
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