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The Well Tempered Master Clock - Group buy

Paypal issue

Now I understand because some proforma invoices are missing, it looks like I have a serious problem with Paypal.
They have locked my account so I can no longer send proforma invoice, I cannot receive money transfer and I cannot pay my suppliers.

They ask for shipment prooves for the payment I have received, but as you know I cannot provide them because I will ship at the end of February or early March 2021.

I have tried to explain them that I collect the payments, then I pay the suppliers (in advance) and finally I ship the items as soon as I receive them from the manufacturers who usually have very long lead time.

I were confident they had understood and they unlocked my account, but it's really hard, they continue to claim I have to ship within a week or so from the payment date.
This is the 6th GB I arrange and until now, as mostly of you know, I have never had such this problems.

I have loaded a bunch of documents on their website to explain that the situation is equal to the previous GBs but they don't understand.

I hope they will unclock my account soon, otherwise I have to cancel the pending proforma invoice and move to Transfer Wise or Bank transfer.
I'm so sorry, but the situation is independent from my will.

The only thing I can suggest to solve the issue is that who have received the proforma invoice and cannot make the payment could send a email them with the Paypal account asking to unlock my account.
And also who have already sent the payment could send them a email to acknowledge the delivery times.

I apologize for this issue but I'm trying to do my best to solve the problem.

I have read on the web that often they lock accounts for 180 days, that means I will have to pay the suppliers from my bank account since the funds on Paypal account are locked.

I cannot do more than this.
Hi Andrea
Sorry to hear of this frustrating catch22 situation you have with Paypal.
Do you have a contact email at paypal that we should send the information to?
I am happy to explain that I have been through your group buy in the past and received the shipment without issue after some weeks and have every reason to believe the same will happen with this GB.
Help to solve the Paypal issue

Hi Andrea
Sorry to hear of this frustrating catch22 situation you have with Paypal.
Do you have a contact email at paypal that we should send the information to?
I am happy to explain that I have been through your group buy in the past and received the shipment without issue after some weeks and have every reason to believe the same will happen with this GB.

Hi Walter,

unfortunately they hide very well their contacts, if you login to your Paypal account you cannot find any email or fax contact, only robot with automatic reply.

BTW, I have found the following US email address on the web:

If you can help to solve the issue please send a email to all the above addresses and put me in copy (picomegaconsulting at gmail dot com).

Thank you all.
Paypal email addresses

I also have found the following email addresses:

PayPal Deutschland / Germany

PayPal Email Addresses
moldenburg@paypal.com (Michael Moldenburg, Paypal Complaints)
sthompson@paypal.com (Scott Thompson, PayPal President)
mhentges@paypal.com (Mary Hentges, CFO PayPal)
crme@paypal.com (PayPal Office of Executive Escalations)
mvergara@paypal.com (Mike Vergara, Senior Director Accounts Protection)
cwong@paypal.com (Catherine Wong, Senior Product Manager Merchant Services)
mbarrett@paypal.com (Michael Barrett, Chief Information Security Officer)
service@paypal.com (Unmonitored)
press@paypal.com (Let public relations know you are filing complaints)
apires@paypal.com (Amanda Pires -- Media Relations Contact)

eBay CEO and PayPal President Contact Information
EMAIL: jdonahoe@ebay.com / john.donahoe@ebay.com / john@ebay.com

Now I will wait a few days to see if they unblock my account, otherwise I move the pending proforma invoices to Transferwise.
Joined 2007
Paid Member
Hi Andrea,

Now first I'd like to say that since I have not been involved in the communication between you & Paypal I obviously do not know the specifics of why they may be locking your account ...

However, a guess would be that since this time you are using your company as the payment receiver you are now a "full-blown" merchant/seller which probably means that you now enter a different legal framework than you did earlier when the GBs were comparatively smaller money-wise (or maybe they just "spotted" you this time with this new GB).

And, again guessing here, since Paypal likely guarantees each buyer's payment they normally (at least from my experience) have a time frame within which the buyer can make a claim and get a refund from Paypal. However, since you collect payments now and won't be shipping until in a couple of months your "sale"/this Group Buy may not fit within Paypal's normal legal frame.

Does this sound plausible?

I have never tried TransferWise so I do not know if they may have similar guidelines. But it does indeed look as if it is lower cost than Paypal - I just tried to make an attempted transfer and it looks as if it would cost just about two Euros to transfer EUR 200 ... about 1/7 the cost of Paypal. So it would be fine with me.

Also, a bank transfer likely would be lower cost, at least if it is the standardized EURO transfer (to my memory it is called SEPA), but I do not know about overseas transfers.

My two cents ... I personally would opt for the TransferWise solution (here cautioning that I do not have hands-on experience with this service) but of course up to you,


They are crazy at PayPall as you have the possibility to give money on anyone else PP (transfer to a friend) account. But here as it is a company PP account, they are suspicious.

Fellows should have to write to PP with the subject : Andrea's friends group or give the money back !
Hi Andrea,

Now first I'd like to say that since I have not been involved in the communication between you & Paypal I obviously do not know the specifics of why they may be locking your account ...

However, a guess would be that since this time you are using your company as the payment receiver you are now a "full-blown" merchant/seller which probably means that you now enter a different legal framework than you did earlier when the GBs were comparatively smaller money-wise (or maybe they just "spotted" you this time with this new GB).

And, again guessing here, since Paypal likely guarantees each buyer's payment they normally (at least from my experience) have a time frame within which the buyer can make a claim and get a refund from Paypal. However, since you collect payments now and won't be shipping until in a couple of months your "sale"/this Group Buy may not fit within Paypal's normal legal frame.

Does this sound plausible?

I have never tried TransferWise so I do not know if they may have similar guidelines. But it does indeed look as if it is lower cost than Paypal - I just tried to make an attempted transfer and it looks as if it would cost just about two Euros to transfer EUR 200 ... about 1/7 the cost of Paypal. So it would be fine with me.

Also, a bank transfer likely would be lower cost, at least if it is the standardized EURO transfer (to my memory it is called SEPA), but I do not know about overseas transfers.

My two cents ... I personally would opt for the TransferWise solution (here cautioning that I do not have hands-on experience with this service) but of course up to you,



Hi Jesper,

I believe we Europeans are the problem who allow them to keep such behaviour.

And we also allow them to charge usury fees and pay ridiculous taxes with their Luxembourg tax office.

I've read that they actually hold funds for up to 180 days because they earn interest on other people's money.

I have just sent an email to all the addresses I have published, I hope the issue will be solved soon.

I ask all to be patient for a few days to understand the will of Paypal to solve the problem.
They are crazy at PayPall as you have the possibility to give money on anyone else PP (transfer to a friend) account. But here as it is a company PP account, they are suspicious.

Fellows should have to write to PP with the subject : Andrea's friends group or give the money back !

Hi diyiggy,

thank you for your support, let see if they want to solve the issue.
Hi Andrea,

I have a suggestion. How about we participants in this diy project send a joint petition or some document explaining the complex of ordering procedure of this project and appeal to their management not to block the process.

We can also enclose the addresses of our paypal accounts with a statement that we agree to the deadline required for the procurement of components for the diy project.

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