• These commercial threads are for private transactions. diyAudio.com provides these forums for the convenience of our members, but makes no warranty nor assumes any responsibility. We do not vet any members, use of this facility is at your own risk. Customers can post any issues in those threads as long as it is done in a civil manner. All diyAudio rules about conduct apply and will be enforced.

The Well Tempered Master Clock - Group buy


Thanks for the support, that's more or less what I meant, it seems like a great idea.

BTW, for those who have already paid the Paypal proforma invoice it's anyway OK because if I refund the payment and I move to another payment method Paypal charges anyway the fees.

So if they don't unblock my funds before I have to place the orders to the manufacturers and pay in advance for them I will use my personal funds by my company bank account.

Anyway the GB will be finalized as usual.

I sent a word to some PP managers of the list above to tell them to unblock this unfair situation or at least no to block my money I transfered in order I ask my bank which I am the happy customer to do it instead PP which I am a less happy customer as well, if like this long phrase that lasts too long was not a pain already, Damn !

You can't have the fisch and the monney of the fish at the same time as well as let starving the one who bought the sardine, lol ! This is a rare unfair flying-fisch situation as known as exocet bye bye money situation !
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Paypal update

FYI, I sent an email to service@paypal cc picoMEGAconsulting. I got an immediate response telling me to log on to my paypal account and report via resolution center. The resolution center only has stock issues to report such as did not receive item etc. So I have engaged customer service via contact center. They claim I'll get a response from a customer service agent within 24 hrs. I hope it helps the cause. I have no reason to be concerned with Andrea or with paypal. Just hope I can help resolve this misunderstanding. I will keep Andrea posted of any further exchange with paypal.
I use paypal for all my online purchases and do not want to start using multiple services or bank transfers. I limit the ways I transfer funds online out of an abundance of caution.
This appears to be a common problem with Paypal and group buys.

As was already stated, since you sent a commercial invoice, Paypal have to cover the buyers under their Buyer Protection program, as long as you sell goods that fall within their program.


Fraudulent group buys in the past used Paypal, so they may be inclined to proactively preventing payments...

It would, of course, be possible to receive money via the "family and friends" mode, but this would also preclude a commercial invoice...

Unfortunately, I don't think there is reason to be optimistic that any amount of email or transaction complaints would make them change the application of their policy. From their point of view it is a liability issue that can negatively affect their bottom line.

At least within the EU a simple SEPA bank transfer would be no problem. Not as quick, but manageable.
Sincerely I don't know, we will see in a few days.

Anyway they are a bank form the EU legal point of view, and in the EU a bank cannot illegally retain funds.
They are under the BCE surveillance like any other bank operating in Europe.

I will write to the BCE if they don't unblock my account.
So when you send a pm to two managers of the above list, moldenburg at PP and mvergara at PP copy of the first, this is what you get from an AI :

Thank you for contacting PayPal.

For privacy reasons, we are unable to give you any information about a PayPal account that is not registered to you. If you are needing a refund, you will need to contact the person/business you sent the payment to.

Thank you for being part of the PayPal community. For additional questions, please visit www.paypal.com and click Help & Contact, near the bottom of any page.


PayPal Account Review Department

I like the "sincerely" of the machine, lol.... I can recognize a thief when I see one ;)
Well, the liberty of the consumer is to look at elswhere... as they did not understood you was behind picoC. as a private person who never had problem with them, I assume we are victim of a new employee that manage the problem with a remote-desktop at home and forgott who pay him :rolleyes: !

at PP : "Kim, unplug your rj45 please :rofl: ... and give me the boss !"

I think the best reaction is indeed to look at elswhere for the next group buy ! Pedja said to me once he had problems with PP and wanted not to go again with them... I understand why now... even when you have a worldwide crisis, banks don't want to freeze the stock Exchange places :mad:...

I have never said I will stop selling our devices, where have you read so?

Are you trying to sell your crappy oscillators stating fake news?

Have you the minimal technical skill to understand that our oscillators have nothing to do with the Accusilicon?
Are you able to understand the difference between a state of the art clock and a cheap oscillator like the Accusilicon, worse than the Crystek and never measured?

Well, you should stop with these slanders, this GB will be finalized as usual and thre will be one more GB as soon as our FIFO and DAC Lite are ready as promised.
Recently, more people asked me to buy AS318, because Andrea's clock will stop selling.

What a pity, andrea's clock is a very interesting design, but it is a pity that it is difficult to mass produce.

only a few bottles of the best wine are sold a year.
Not everything has to be mass-produced.
And as far as I know, the question with the twtmc is not closed :)

Paypal Clerks

I don't understand the policy of the paypal clerks.
As a customer I have 180(!) days to file a claim if I did not receive the goods.
Is that not long enough??
I find it very dishonest they did not tell me the money I payed is frozen.
Now they intend to block your account for 180 days Andrea?
You did nothing wrong.
Obviously, there is a problem with PayPal business policy and we should share the responsibility together. If the account from Andrea Mori remains frozen for 180 days, then we have to find another solution.
The PayPal service cannot lose in any way. Even in the case of a refund, they take a fees, leaving behind a group of dissatisfied clients..

Now I speak for myself. In case of a refund, I'm willing to add PayPal fees,because it makes no sense for Andrea to bear the consequences of the business policy of the PayPal service,
especially since the previous group orders were done without the problem that has now arisen.So this is just one suggestion, and whoever wants to let them add their own.I'm just thinking out loud
about how to get out of this stalemate.What do you think about that?
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Paypal issue solved

Hi all,

good news, it looks like they have unblocked my account.

Now I will send a reminder of the pro forma invoices that are still open, please check your Paypal account and let me know if you don't receive the proforma invoice.

I would close the GB as soon as possible and place the order to the manufacturers.

Thank you all for your support.
Andrea, I'm really happy to hear this good news. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate you serving this community like you do. Many of us who don't interact that much on the thread know the kind of person you are, and even if we don't always express it, I'm sure they all appreciate all the work you do also.

Best Wishes,:)
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Tom, Walter, Eric and all the members who follows this thread,

I'm very proud you appreciate our works (me and Roberto) and we are glad to help the audio community when we can.

Now I'm working hard to finalize the GB and place the order to the manufacturers.

In the meantime we are working on the firmware and the software of the new FIFO and DAC Lite, we hope to start a new GB with the above devices in 3/4 months.

The big issue is that audio is not our job and so the free time to develop new devices is not much, that's the reason why our times are long.