The XBush Mark 2. A synergy/Unity horn of spherical proportions

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I have had a cunning plan regarding my massive, heavily braced BB ply boxes........

Pre-made sub-woofer boxes anyone?!

I can drop 15-18 inch subs in them (sealed) without probs and used DSP to sort the FR....

Have them hidden off either side of the spheres and I can keep the simple looks of the sphere as they are now.
More playing with my DSP settings. Averaging a 0-15 degree window and applying correction to this rather than the on axis FR has resulted in smoother polar response.


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Gorgeous design. Congratulations on a super duper fine speaker. That was very fast work!


p.s., can we get some closeup glamour shots from different angles?

Since on a ball and socket stand mount you could orient them vertically if you wanted. Wonder if they sound better/worse in such a configuration?
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Truly loving it !!!


Gorgeous design. Congratulations on a super duper fine speaker.
Since on a ball and socket stand mount you could orient them vertically if you wanted. Wonder if they sound better/worse in such a configuration?

Cheers Guys!

X - I will have to play around with different angles over the next few days.

At the moment I am just enjoying them - they go stupidly loud cleanly.

I still have some cosmetic touches to sort out, then will post some better pics - I was up until 2am last night getting the second one up and running - so they still need another coat of matt varnish on the globes and I have ordered some black strip trim to give the junction between the composite baffle and globe a neater finish.

They look so much smaller than the XBush Mark 1 - I have even been told I can keep them in my study if I wish - but I think they will go ultimately into my listening room with some big subs below as I have planned for a while.
Hi Bwaslo,

Not really, as you know the beauty of the synergy horn is that no matter how close to them you are, they are effectively single point sources, so they are perfect as my high end monitors in the study.

As a result, they haven't been moved and are still either side of my desk, so no need to make any subwoofers at present. To be honest the bass output from them is so good I can't see the need anyway at present.

I have just treated myself to an openDRC-DA8, so am playing with my other multiway DIY speakers, trying different slopes and phase corrections.

If/when I do move these out to a dedicated space, and add some big subwoofers I will update this thread, but to be honest these are so good where they are, I am just enjoying listening to them - I haven't thought about changing anything since my last post - which I suppose is a good sign!
bushmeister good work ! They look nice in the "ball". Has there been an improvement in acoustic out? Do you have measurements in a round and square cabinet?

Thanks very much. If the measurements aren't in the two threads, they will be somewhere in my laptop....probably!

If I remember right the measurements were broadly similar, maybe slightly better in the balls.

Listening was very similar. They still sound fantastic but i have so many speakers at present i don't listen to them enough!

I am really enjoying another build i did with stacked balls which is a four way more traditional build, but with top end drivers. Not enough hours in the day!
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