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The YARRA Preamplifier/HPA for Melbourne DB Group Buy

It will work fine without the Yarra (but kind of messy), and you will need a clean dual rail PSU. 18v should be ok for a HPA - you will need to adjust the resistors on the CCS to get the current up to, say 80mA to 100mA for driving lower impedance phones. I used mine with only 42mA bias and they worked surprisningly well on 55ohm headphones.

Maybe just get a set of Melbournes to play with? They are TH.

Yep that sounds good - which resistors would need changing?
I'll send you a PM about board order instead of clogging up this thread
Here is my Melbourne board for the Yarra so far, have I got the shorting links in the right place? I just want to make sure before I go any further.


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The Yarra boards arrived yesterday. They look great and this has got to be the heaviest shipment I have ever received in PCBs. This stack of 30 boards weighs 15lbs - a truly magnificent bruiser of a PCB. Superb layout by JPS64 as usual. I also ordered some extra input panel PCBs with a modified pin geometry for the rotary switch. I will include those at no cost and they will give you a spare input panel with holes for both a Lorlin and a C&K rotary switch.


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Joined 2014
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You are correct Batty!!
I just checked and they are missing again, also the whole Yarra cart has vanished from my Mouser account!
This is the second time this has happened and it’s the only saved project affected. I’m a bit baffled by this??????