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The YARRA Preamplifier/HPA for Melbourne DB Group Buy

Thanks for confirming this. I have now managed to get the parts off. Will add nylon washers and non conductive thermal pads as per your advice.

I think I’m going to reorder some new transistors as I feel I’ve subjected them to too much heat as getting them off was a real challenge. This time round I will forego using Loctite and will nut and bolt them instead so removal will be easier should I screw up again. I was concerned that I’d end up lifting a PCB trace but is seems those boards are very well made and very rugged, kudos on a quality product.
Joined 2014
Paid Member
Hi STUNTfingers,

Great to hear it was basically an easy fix, tracking down a solder bridge somewhere can get very frustrating!
(My first Yarra had one:rolleyes:)
Please make sure to use a nylon/plastic shoulder washer to attach the transistors to the heatsink, not a flat washer. There could still be a chance the threads on the fasteners can touch the metal tab and short.


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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Your BJTs are probably fine because the short went from collector to ground and not through the junction. But they are inexpensive and may be wise to replace. A good practice is to always use a conductivity meter (beep mode) to check the tab of a transistor or mosfet to make sure it’s not conducting to the heatsink. Rarely is this ever done on purpose. Sometime a small metal burr in the threaded hole can poke through the silicone sheet and short out a transistor. This happened to me once and blew the BJT and the driver transistor. It was a mess to replace.
Thanks X and Vunce, much useful advice as always!

I've just ordered some nylon shoulder washers from eBay as well as some hardware to fix them in place.

Re checking conductivity I will certainly do this in the future, today was a good lesson. I've spent the best part of 8 hrs checking the board looking for the fault, learning about NPN vs PNP and re reading this thread looking for clues. As a complete amateur when it comes to board stuffing and building something like this it all seemed to be going too well...
Joined 2011
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You can certainly install two new components, a series RC circuit, between JFET drain and positive supply. This will lower the gain to any value you like without changing any bias voltages or DC currents. {why? because no DC current flows through a series RC circuit. why? because of the C!} Whether this tweak changes something else that you find sonically significant, and whether such a change is beneficial or detrimental, is not known to me. Try a quick experiment to find out!

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Volume pot boards

Hi all,
I'm working on another project in which I'm using Alps RK097 pots. I want to use the board that comes with the Yarra kits. I have two, but need one more.
The board I need is labeled, R211, where the pot mounts. Now if someone had 4, I'll take them too, because I mistakenly double ordered the pots:rolleyes:

PM me if anyone has one or more and would be willing to part with them.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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It might work but probably not optimal as designed. If someone could redo the spice simulation and redo the output MOSFETs it could work. It just takes some design time and verification with a test build. That’s where your DIY abilities come in. :)

If we make the V+ input say 24v, the voltage regulator can still reduce that to the amount needed to power the Nutube 3.3v, the pot would have to be adjusted differently for a grid voltage of 12v but the drain on the output MOSFET could be higher. This might allow more swing. It just needs to be tested. It might be as simple as that. If anyone has ability to measure what the maximum output swing is that would be great. I don’t have it setup currently to try out.


You could probably get 18vpp with 24v input. That’s about 5w rms into 8ohms.
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I like your breakout board. Since I am doing monoblocks, I would probably end up making a board for each channel. I was thinking it would be handy to use before an F4 or a MoFo which don’t have connections for the Yarra boards. I am trying to avoid a separate preamp. Just run directly from my DAC which has volume control and basic preamp capability.

I started looking at the Yarra boards after I went back to finishing up my M2X. I noticed the Melbourne card I had bought from the GB. Found that there were quite a few more available. I saw that the Korg one just got listed on your store. I like the modular concept for amps as well as preamps.
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