TI TPA3100D2, Amazing Class D Amp

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Why the TPA3100D2 other than the fact a boutique audio shop decided it would provide them a killer profit margin?

I think effort would be much better spent on a project for the new TPA3116D2.

The TBI has been out since 2008 with no notice until a few months ago. Please explain the killer profit margin on that.

If someone has actually heard the 3116D2, it would be great to hear thoughts on it. You've stated that you don't believe there's much difference between amps anyway, so what's the difference?
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Well the eval boards are only $149 ea. If someone wants to buy them and compare, that would be great. Certainly not about to go into hypothetical posting about an amp I have never heard. I'll leave that to others.

Hi I would also not underestimate the fact that all these chips are very similar and maybe differences in sound quality may not be very big. All these amps are only designed with low cost in mind. I am convinced TBI did not choose this chip for sound quality only nor that they compared the whole range TI had to offer at that time. It would not be the first time coincidence played a role.

That having said I like the idea of a very compact stereo class D amp on one PCB with good sound quality as a bonus.
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FYI - taking a closer look at my eval board, it is not the same as what's shown in the TI pdf: only one side of the pcb is used and there appear to be other small changes at the outputs (maybe even filterless?). Also I don't know anything about making PCBs but I see at the TI TPA3100 page you can download gerber files...
I found these - thought they might be useful to the Class D fraternity.


  • Class D.jpg
    Class D.jpg
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  • 20110216_413cfe8c3d117a22e9c5pUkIrtxXHd7f.jpg
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  • MP3100_fin.zip
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This sure is an unexpected and also generous gesture ! Thank you. Do you also have a BOM/parts list ?

For those who don't know: these files can be sent to a board house and you can have the Masterkit boards made exactly the same as the ones in the pictures. This is only interesting if you have more than 1 produced. Starting costs are the same whether you have 1 produced or 100.
Last night i was trying out different points of grounding and accidentally short the power supply in. The chip survived ! What a relieve.

I also want to report that i have paralleled one 1uf and one 103 ceramic caps over the existing input caps at c12 and c13 of the evaluation board. I plan to use a small cap such as WIMA MKS 2.2 uf but the on boards caps are too small and the solder ends may not support the weight of the caps in the long term.
The mod results in a larger pop sound through the speakers on powering down.
There is no other extra noise and music is still as clear and transparent . This must be one of the most transparent amp that I have encountered.

<snip>I also want to report that i have paralleled one 1uf and one 103 ceramic caps over the existing input caps at c12 and c13 of the evaluation board. I plan to use a small cap such as WIMA MKS 2.2 uf but the on boards caps are too small and the solder ends may not support the weight of the caps in the long term.
The mod results in a larger pop sound through the speakers on powering down.
There is no other extra noise and music is still as clear and transparent .<snip>
kp93300 - what are the sonic improvements that you found after adding these caps?
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