TI TPA3100D2, Amazing Class D Amp

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Hi Keith,
Have been evaluating the board for the last few hours .
There is a definite improvement in the low bass . My speaker has active woofer reaching down to about 30 Hz. Bass has good control and extension.
High also gain refinement.
THe amp has very little character of its own.
TPA3100D2 application in portable radio/MP3 player

Hello folks,

I used his part on a portable radio/MP3 player I made last year. I have nothing but praise for this part. I am using a 12V DC wall-wart and my 4-ohm Dynaudio Gemini speakers, the sound is fantastic, to me at least. I can crank it up and it is loud enough to fill a small room & runs cool as a cucumber ( got lots of them this year :)
I do not have dog's ears', so I am not an expert listeners, as others claim to be on this site, but this is my opinion, none the less.
Nice to see others have used this part, as well and have good reviews.
See attached PCB of the portable stereo, enjoy!!



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We are talking audio here, I have seen people pay a lot more for a lot less!!
Really now, what does anyone own for $50.00 that has any audio use, that ain't royal imported junk?

Parts cost for the amp section of my portable design was probably around $25-30, excluding power. So, I can do it cheaper than TI/Digi-Key can, big deal!!
If I were to re-layout the design again I'd probably use the TPA3116 or TPA3118 parts, as they are the next generation and look cheaper, for what ever reason. TI have a three part solution in the same footprint, very smart!!
Something on my board is interfering with "AM" so I have to do some shielding.
The AM avoidance feature is interesting.
These parts are great for little portable applications, like mine, and half decent/low cost entertainment units, they sound good and are energy efficient. Probably every TV made, these days, use these sort of parts. Look out, one day the US DOE may outlaw all inefficient audio amps, to save on a few coal fired generating stations, stay tuned!!

I am using a 12V/1500mA Walwart and on the pcb I have one 4700uF/35V VZ Nichicon, then two of 220uF/35V Silmic II Elna, one per channel!! Good choice it seems.
I have not tried this configuration with my 15" sealed speaker units yet. The amp is not intended to drive 15" bass units. A bridged configuration would be preferred in this regard, then beef up the reserve capacity some more.
Please see the schematic attached.
I soldered 1000Uf 25 V caps on the underside of C21 and c22. These are the caps powering the chip. I bypasses with small value film cap also.
On your tbi board you have to traced the location of this power supply caps it from the pins of the chip. It is most likely the 470 UF caps.
Suggest Pana Fc caps .

The mod not only improved the bass but also microdynamic aspect of the vocal. The subtle change in volume for each phrase. The decay in piano music is very good.




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hmm there are 4 round dark gray parts near the chip that I failed to mention, with 330 07489 on the top. They look just like the ones in the photo of the eval board but arranged in a different way. Are these caps too? They look like they are feeding the same pins as c21 c22.
I am using a 12V/1500mA Walwart and on the pcb I have one 4700uF/35V VZ Nichicon, then two of 220uF/35V Silmic II Elna, one per channel!! Good choice it seems.
I have not tried this configuration with my 15" sealed speaker units yet. The amp is not intended to drive 15" bass units. A bridged configuration would be preferred in this regard, then beef up the reserve capacity some more.

Hi I saw your board in the previous post. looks very complex.
can your board be adapted for a simple amp as in the evaluation board ?

Hi kp:
What PS are you using for this eval board to your sonic satisfaction?
Hi Keith,
I tried 2 SLA battery wired in series for 24 V and a 20 V laptop 4A smps filtered by a few motor run caps
I preferred the later. There is no cap filtering in the SLA set up.
SLA is clean but music lack dynamic contrast .

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