TI TPA3100D2, Amazing Class D Amp

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Sorry I have been absent. I came across the TPA3110 amp at Part Express and have been using it ever since (I fried my TPA3100D2 - too many mods!). The 3110 is lower powered but sounds FANTASTIC. And it's $10!!!!!. Ten freakin' dollars. And no the Tripath chips do not IMO come close in sound quality. All I have done is swapped the PS caps - which I HIGHLY recommend doing. These TPA chips have incredible potential. The 3110 sounds as good as any amp as I have had in my home, which is granted a very modest setup - I can't afford $$$ gear. But I have built tube amps, IR2092 amps, Tripath, regular SS, receivers, etc... I would love to try the new 3116/8, etc. Hopefully next year I will have time to focus on a proper diy PCB build (sorry I could not commit Jean-Paul) and audiophile power supply. These TPA chips - at least these two I have heard - have so much potential. The end goal is to build an F5 and TPA amp and compare. At the very least the 3110 and 3100D2 compete with the IR2092 and solid state amps I have owned <$1k. Within their power limits of course.

Just my .02. Hope to make some headway next year. Happy Holidays.

Thanks a lot for the tip. What exactly did you swap the PS caps to?

Btw. it's available from ebay and Aliexpress too. I ordered one here. $9.99 shipping included. Might take a while before it gets here though. :D
Sorry I have been absent. I came across the TPA3110 amp at Part Express and have been using it ever since (I fried my TPA3100D2 - too many mods!). The 3110 is lower powered but sounds FANTASTIC. And it's $10!!!!!. Ten freakin' dollars. And no the Tripath chips do not IMO come close in sound quality. All I have done is swapped the PS caps - which I HIGHLY recommend doing. These TPA chips have incredible potential. The 3110 sounds as good as any amp as I have had in my home, which is granted a very modest setup - I can't afford $$$ gear. But I have built tube amps, IR2092 amps, Tripath, regular SS, receivers, etc... I would love to try the new 3116/8, etc. Hopefully next year I will have time to focus on a proper diy PCB build (sorry I could not commit Jean-Paul) and audiophile power supply. These TPA chips - at least these two I have heard - have so much potential. The end goal is to build an F5 and TPA amp and compare. At the very least the 3110 and 3100D2 compete with the IR2092 and solid state amps I have owned <$1k. Within their power limits of course.

Just my .02. Hope to make some headway next year. Happy Holidays.

Another thumbs up. I've also been raving about this Sure 3110 board on other forums. I've used it in several amplfiers, as well as some cigar box stereos. It sounds better to my ears than any of my Tripath or Gainclone amps.
Thanks a lot for the tip. What exactly did you swap the PS caps to?

Btw. it's available from ebay and Aliexpress too. I ordered one here. $9.99 shipping included. Might take a while before it gets here though. :D

I've tried Panasonic KAs, Silmic II, Chemicon 100v, Nichicon Muse KZ. It's easy to swap using the SMD pads until you find what works for you. I do like the KZ, they really are very good. And cheap!

Now I don't want people to think this is a 'giant-killer' or it's going to realign the universe. But it's a damn good amp. For the price of two meals at McDonalds. I don't need to say which is better for your health in the long run.
How is ithe sound quality compared with the 3110. great website btw. beautiful work.

It's a tough call sonically. They both sound very good to me. I'm using pretty efficient single drivers, so I don't think I'm asking much of the amplifier when it comes to power. I imagine those who need a little extra power would benefit from the extra output of the 3122? I like the through hole components on the Jerry's Electronics kit as it makes for easy component experimentation.
That and the power supply voltage is 10 to 30 volts. I've tried 12 vs. 24 and again, I don't notice a night and day difference with my speakers.

Thanks for the very nice comments!
It's a tough call sonically. They both sound very good to me. I'm using pretty efficient single drivers, so I don't think I'm asking much of the amplifier when it comes to power. I imagine those who need a little extra power would benefit from the extra output of the 3122? I like the through hole components on the Jerry's Electronics kit as it makes for easy component experimentation.
That and the power supply voltage is 10 to 30 volts. I've tried 12 vs. 24 and again, I don't notice a night and day difference with my speakers.

Thanks for the very nice comments!

Ok, thanks. I ask because Parts Express sells a 3122 kit as well (the same kit is available for $10 direct on ebay) and I have a couple. I got the kits before the 3110. I just assumed the 3122 would not sound as good because the chip is older and I read some comments saying it was about the same as Tripath. Your post makes me think I should give the kits a try; it's always best to hear for oneself anyway and I shouldn't have dismissed the kits so quickly given the other two chips sound so impressive.

The 3122 kits can be made as monoblocks as well, providing even more power. Lastly, the kits allow much greater control over parts quality.

Hm, now I feel kind of dumb for not building them. Looks like I have a new project!
I've tried Panasonic KAs, Silmic II, Chemicon 100v, Nichicon Muse KZ. It's easy to swap using the SMD pads until you find what works for you. I do like the KZ, they really are very good. And cheap!

I have a couple of these boards on the way and was wondering what uF value caps you used. ( Link?) I would like to get these ordered and would like to be ready to swap them out on day one. All the pics I have seen I can't make out their value. Did you stick with the stock rating? Can one go bigger?

BTW. Thanks for your post. Would greatly appreciate any help in the form of a link.
Well since I joined diyAudio yesterday, while searching for the schematic for a SWTPC Headset Class A Amplifier, I built back in the seventies, I think this will solve my issue.

Class D was relatively obscure for me until I bought a 9.2 channels Pioneer Elite SC-65 receiver, and was completely blown away by the definition, clarity, and all the details I missed for over 40 years!

So I just placed an order for the eval board from DigiKey. Mainly to drive my Sony XBA-3 earbuds with maybe a simple 9V battery. In full glory! And also perhaps to drive external satellite drivers I might stumble upon.

I'm choosing the later unit to the one described by the OP.

The specs are mighty impressive:
TPA3117D2 data sheet
TPA3117D2EVM data sheet

If this proves satisfactory, I might even contemplate this module as a method to drive individual midrange, tweeter, and super-tweeters speakers, all bi-tri-quad amplified, of course. And do away with the passive crossovers in the existing units.

Digital Signal Processing is cool!

Going up a level is most important.
~ Joe Vitale

The sum of wisdom is that time is never lost that is devoted to work.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882, American Poet and Essayist

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.
~ Vince Lombardi, 1913-1970, American Football Coach
Hi Sorry KP cannot get a good photo of the board. But the ones on Ebay are quite good.
Anyway I have finished my evaluation of the two TI boards I have and found that the sound from both is very good and I could happily live with either of them.
That said I believe that the Texas TPA3116D2 stereo 50 watts coming out on top with definitely a better base line and in an orchestral piece the instruments are better layered than that of the TI TPA3123 board. In saying that however I was surprised that to my ears at least the dual mono bridges TI TPA3123 seemed to go louder that the 3116 amp. But both are well loud enough to satisfy anyone accept for maybe “Petrol Heads”
Interestingly though I have managed to find a commercial release of the 3116 board at last on Taobao. And fortunately I have a friend who has an account with them so I have asked her to purchase one for me. It’s layout looks like it is a perfect clone on the original TI evaluation board.:D

Good to know. Thanks for reporting back.
Hi Sorry KP cannot get a good photo of the board. But the ones on Ebay are quite good.
Anyway I have finished my evaluation of the two TI boards I have and found that the sound from both is very good and I could happily live with either of them.
That said I believe that the Texas TPA3116D2 stereo 50 watts coming out on top with definitely a better base line and in an orchestral piece the instruments are better layered than that of the TI TPA3123 board. In saying that however I was surprised that to my ears at least the dual mono bridges TI TPA3123 seemed to go louder that the 3116 amp. But both are well loud enough to satisfy anyone accept for maybe “Petrol Heads”
Interestingly though I have managed to find a commercial release of the 3116 board at last on Taobao. And fortunately I have a friend who has an account with them so I have asked her to purchase one for me. It’s layout looks like it is a perfect clone on the original TI evaluation board.:D

Fully assembled amplifiers featuring Texas Instruments chips seem fairly rare. I did notice 3 units available featuring the TPA3123. You can get the Muse Audio M50 or M50 Ex, the Guanzo DP-101, or the FEI XIANG FX502A. Does anyone know which one might be preferred or which one is built with the better parts with better build quality? They are all roughly the same price. Anyway, these are 3 more toys on the Texas Instruments pile to try out.
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Those little amps look great! Did you make the boards yourself? I just ordered the TPA3118D2 chips and will need to figure out how to mount it with no board. I also have the 3116D2, 3130D2 and they came today. Boy they are small! I am just reading up on SMD soldering techniques. It's a little intimidating for someone who has only made thru hole circuits in the past.
TI's circuit straight from the data sheet.

My board design, my soldering (by hand)

Small secret (not now though): I made a clamp to hold them in place before soldering.
That way the heat sink does not stress them when installed and they don't move when being soldered.

Use magnifying goggles, a very small soldering iron tip, thin solder, and liquid flux.


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