TPA3116D2 Amp

Small TPA3110 runs filterless and sounds good, and I did not notice any problems even with my 10m loudspeaker cable. Wushuliu reported good performance and Chakija (on tried and liked it with his Pi clone speakers. I'm no expert,maybe 3110 uses somethig else for filtering...

TPA3110 is a much smaller amp and specifically designed for "filterless" output due to a EMI suppressing modulation scheme. Filterless in this respect means ferrite beads and/or very short leads. Running completely filterless with long leads means you're sending out loads of RFI noise, and I strongly advise you not to do that.

You can also run TPA3116 with ferrite bead output filter only but it's highly recommendable to use a full LC output filter due to the increased efficiency and sound quality you achieve with a properly designed LC output filter.

You should under no circumstances run a TPA3116 completely filterless!
Regarding the LC filter: it is 10 uH compared to the almost 1 mH inductance of speaker voice coils I think the effect on overall reactance is minimal. If you were to drive multiways with huge coils in the XO, even less important of an effect.

Agreed. 10uH is significant when using a low Le full ranger though

It the fact its an LC, not LR or LC which bothers me. Flat impedance is actually quite important with these amps id guess. Its a downside,not necessarily a dealbreaker
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I installed the ICE Inductors into a TPA3116D2 that’s mostly stock, just to check them out (again a pretty significant improvement over the stock inductors, even with the original filter parts) and now I’ll put them into my main test rig (on the left) and see how they stack up against the Bourns inductors (which are sounding very good).


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This ic is designed to run filterless and it works so well this way. It is easy to try. Just tap the output right before the filter and save some pennies for inductor replacement.

And risk jail? No thanks. I don't know about where you live but in the EU and the USA willingly emitting RFI noise is a criminal offense.

Not to mention that I actually have an interest in radio astronomy and people like you that run their amps filterless and all the other noise sources around the globe makes that increasingly difficult.

Think before doing! Please!
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And risk jail? No thanks. I don't know about where you live but in the EU and the USA willingly emitting RFI noise is a criminal offense.

Not to mention that I actually have an interest in radio astronomy and people like you that run their amps filterless and all the other noise sources around the globe makes that increasingly difficult.

Think before doing! Please!
I had worked with Electro Discharge Machines for years and they all caused radio interference.
Several years ago I purchased a used 'Wood Welder' that uses radio frequency to set wood glue in seconds. I dragged the heavy thing down into the basement and fired it up. well the TV just went crazy, jut wavy lines. The unit contained 4 huge 810 power tubes so just how far the interference carried, I would not guess.
I called the manufacturer, they have been making these things for years, because I thought that perhaps the unit had a malfunction. They replied, "this is what they do".
Perhaps RF interference is not such a serious offence?
And risk jail? No thanks. I don't know about where you live but in the EU and the USA willingly emitting RFI noise is a criminal offense.

Not to mention that I actually have an interest in radio astronomy and people like you that run their amps filterless and all the other noise sources around the globe makes that increasingly difficult.

Think before doing! Please!

Did you ever read datasheet?
I have been really, really enjoying the Yuanjing 2.0 stereo version of this board and so thought to buy a second one to experiment on.

For reasons that make no sense now, I was convinced that the volume pot was rated at 100k, so I ordered a Valab 23 step 100k pot on Ebay. Of course, the actual value of the pot on the board is 50k. Nuts.

So...what will this do to the sound? Any problems? Any workaround to get back to proper values, given that I was already planning to swap parts?