TPA3116D2 Amp

Has anyone received their eBay China TPA3116 amp yet? Looking forward to feedback on first sound impressions.

Mine just arrived today... It will be the weekend before I have a chance to properly test it though. Cute little thing.

I did replace the input header with one that I had both parts of .


Mine arrived too.

Couldn't wait too hook it up.

I kept the input header "as-is" because I couldn't find the matching plug or anything to replace it with. I did cut some connectors from an old PC that's ready for the trash and used those.

The board looks well made and the input caps are Nichicon.

Listening impressions: I think its better than my Dayton 100A (which is TK2050 based): more clarity (the Dayton sounds a bit more muddy on some passages), nicer bass and more detailed. Soundstage is excellent, but then again, I playing them on my 20" foamcore Cornus and they are quite unique in this regard anyway.

I'm saying "think its better" because I'm probably not very good at "critical listening" and would ideally like to hear a small fragment of say 20 seconds one one amp and then the same fragment immediately on the other (keeping everything else the same). But that is quite hard to do; after you have swapped leads, adjusted volume etc, too much time goes by.

Either way, I think its better than the Dayton (which I was very happy with to begin with), particularly given the price of the board. I'll be building this one (eventually) into a nice enclosure and don't think I'll be looking for any other amps for quite some time.

I've also received last week a TPA3116D2 chip from TI (which I ordered before I found out about the boards on ebay) and I'd love to build an amp with it, but from a cost perspective compared to the board it's just not viable. That board was so darned cheap...
Maybe i'll build an amp with in the winter time after my speakers and a new DAC.

Now start turning my attention to some Karlsonator speakers ;) and see how they go with this little amp.


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I hooked it up this morning to make sure it worked and let it run all day on the bench... probably 7 hours. I haven't heard it driving real speakers yet, but I'm encouraged. Put in a pair of Muse BP caps and am letting it cook some more and later tonight I'll hook it up to some better speakers.

p.s. how are you guys adding the expandable thumbnails for your pics?

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Looking good.

What value are those caps?

re the pictures:

I'm guessing you are using the "Insert Image" button/icon when you type in your post. If you look a bit further down, you'll see a button "Manage Attachements".

If you use that to upload your pictures, you'll get the expanadable thumbnails.


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Looking good.

What value are those caps?

re the pictures:

I'm guessing you are using the "Insert Image" button/icon when you type in your post. If you look a bit further down, you'll see a button "Manage Attachements".

If you use that to upload your pictures, you'll get the expanadable thumbnails.

Cool, thanks for the photo posting tips.... The caps are 1000/25V Muse bipolars.

Today, I used the TPA3116 to drive a pair of modified Signet SL260B (sounded very good) and a pair of B&W 802D (not so great, but funny to see).

I'm encouraged enough to remove the pot and drop it into my test chassis to see what it can do.

At the moment I am exceedingly happy with the performance of the modified YuanJing TA2020 that is in my test rig so it will be interesting to see how far this board can be taken.

I think that improving the array of film caps that are on this board might prove a worthy endeavor and a small bypass across the DC input always seems to change the sound, we'll see. I also need to try a different power supply. At the moment I'm using a 20V 4.5A but I'd like to try a 24 volter too. Sure is fun messing with these.


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Cool, thanks for the photo posting tips.... The caps are 1000/25V Muse bipolars.

Today, I used the TPA3116 to drive a pair of modified Signet SL260B (sounded very good) and a pair of B&W 802D (not so great, but funny to see).

I'm encouraged enough to remove the pot and drop it into my test chassis to see what it can do.

At the moment I am exceedingly happy with the performance of the modified YuanJing TA2020 that is in my test rig so it will be interesting to see how far this board can be taken.

I think that improving the array of film caps that are on this board might prove a worthy endeavor and a small bypass across the DC input always seems to change the sound, we'll see. I also need to try a different power supply. At the moment I'm using a 20V 4.5A but I'd like to try a 24 volter too. Sure is fun messing with these.

Wow, can't help to notice your TA2020 is very well made:up:

You mentioned that the 3116 did not drive your BW802D well. Can you elaborate further. Is it because of the limited power that the amp put out? I have heard comments from hifi shop dealers that I know saying that the diamond B & W series are not easy to drive and demand "good" amps.

The TPA3122 tiny D amp that I got from Sure-hifi does quite well with my Von Schweikert VR4 but became a total disaster when paired with the Eminent Tech LFT8b (84db only:eek:). Just does not have the power.

Wow, can't help to notice your TA2020 is very well made:up:

You mentioned that the 3116 did not drive your BW802D well. Can you elaborate further. Is it because of the limited power that the amp put out? I have heard comments from hifi shop dealers that I know saying that the diamond B & W series are not easy to drive and demand "good" amps.

The TPA3122 tiny D amp that I got from Sure-hifi does quite well with my Von Schweikert VR4 but became a total disaster when paired with the Eminent Tech LFT8b (84db only:eek:). Just does not have the power.


Thank you for the encouraging words!

To be fair, the little TPA3116 actually didn’t sound too bad with the B&Ws despite not having the kind of power and current the 802s can use, and I was able to crank it all the way up without it collapsing on itself… and I was pretty surprised with the volume I got out of it. I think my above comment has more to do with the fact that I’m not a big fan of the 802d’s sound even with excellent and sufficiently powered amps in front of them… just not my cup of tea, I suppose.


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Okay, another quick update. I'm really liking what I'm hearing from the little TPA3116D2.

This afternoon I took some time and mounted it in a little wood tea box (anything becomes a project box these days) with some good wire and hardware and an Alps K-slider and it's really doing a terrific job. It has a coherent sound with very nice bass response and imaging. It's driving the 802s a lot better today too but it really shines with the smaller Signets.

Click Here for a few more pics from today...


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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Listening impressions: I think its better than my Dayton 100A (which is TK2050 based): more clarity (the Dayton sounds a bit more muddy on some passages), nicer bass and more detailed. Soundstage is excellent, but then again, I playing them on my 20" foamcore Cornus and they are quite unique in this regard anyway.

Now start turning my attention to some Karlsonator speakers ;) and see how they go with this little amp.

I use my tpa3116 to power my mini Karlsonators and it rocks. I never go above half volume setting. If you guys want a speaker to go with this check out the 'Slay the (pen)Dragon?' Thread in the multiway forum. I am working on a design for a monster tower dual 10 in PA driver 98 dB sensitivity MLTL in a MTM config. It should rock big time with 45 watts.
I have purchased a number of different D/Chip Amp boards because they are so inexpensive and it is more fun to audition them than to ask for opinions.
I really cannot say that the amps sound much different from one to the other, my preference being on being able to use a simple power supply and no need for huge fins.
I keep going back to my El Cheapo TDA7297 but look forward to the arrival of my ordered TPA3116 to add to the collection.
still another update.... this amp continues to sound better as it breaks in. I've tried three volume controls including this PEC pot and they all worked very well with it. The amp is now driving the B&Ws quite well and it sounds very musical and engaging with all types of program material. I will be buying another one.


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still another update.... this amp continues to sound better as it breaks in. I've tried three volume controls including this PEC pot and they all worked very well with it. The amp is now driving the B&Ws quite well and it sounds very musical and engaging with all types of program material. I will be buying another one.

Hey, KJA

Where did you find this nice looking wooden box to house the amp?

Hey, KJA

Where did you find this nice looking wooden box to house the amp?


I found it in my kitchen pantry. It’s a lightweight wooden box that some Ginseng tea was packaged in.
When I saw that the inner dimensions fit the pcb quite well and my Alps K-Fader fit perfectly across the long side, I just had to use it. :)


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Very nice enclosure. What are the extra inputs for? How are you wiring your volume pot and what R value are you using? It's amazing the big sound that comes from such a small package. Compare the size of the heatsinks with the unit it sits on (how many watts is that one?)

Thanks! It's a simple tea box.

The extra input pair of RCAs (the middle pair) will be added as a second set of inputs after I'm done with listening tests and part swapping.

The third pair is an output for an active subwoofer.

I've used three volume controls, a 10K, 25K and a 50K... all worked and sounded excellent.

The only thing about the pot wiring to note is that the output of the pot goes directly to the input C for each channel. That surface mount part will eventually be changed to something better sounding.

The heatsinks on the amp it's sitting atop are dissipating the heat generated from up to 500W per side. It's already hot in my workshop and doesn't get turned on much. The little TPA3116 is on anytime I'm working.

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