TPA3116D2 Amp

Well, I suspected when the different boards are optimized, they will look quite similar. The circuit for this amp is not that complicated (as compare to some other amps) and when squeeze down onto a small PCB, there are only that many ways to package all the component.

I guess one can safely assume that all the boards are designed based on the one that TI originally published.


Well, thats what I thought too, but when I compared the position of the DC input, the use of polistrene bootstrap caps (when ceramic are recommended), and other things, what can I say, as a newbie in electronics, and overall a newbie as well in PCB layout design, I feel a little proud with the idea that someone could copy or went the same way of the design as I did!!!, that means that despite the errors I made it was not bad design at all!!;). And something that could be very nice for us, that would mean that YJ is following our thread, and its designing things based in our ideas, and the best of all, designing for us!!!.

But the design Im working now its a bit diferent, starting from the input, I have separated the inputs , same kind of caps for all the input, gain resistors are at the bottom side, the bootstrap caps went back to the ones used in the EVM board, on the top side one can choose the option of use the recommend LC filter, and in the bottom one can choose to use ferrite bead chip as An EMI filter.
All the inductor are in a 1x4 line...

If I have sometime tonight I Will try to post a pic of it...
Founder of XSA-Labs
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The more I look to the New YJ board, the more its looks to the design I posted in post #941...

If they have copy my design, they should had read Saturnus what suggested...:D...

OMG, they did swipe your design :wave2s:. I just looked at it and it looks identical. We now know YJ has been silently reading these forums - no surprise there. :p

On the good side - there is no need to go through the trouble of ordering pcb's and filling out BOM's, and soldering with a magnifier and tweezers. I am quite sure the BOM alone would cost you much more than $20.
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..... On the good side - there is no need to go through the trouble of ordering pcb's and filling out BOM's, and soldering with a magnifier and tweezers. I am quite sure the BOM alone would cost you much more than $20.

If they put this board on Ebay, I think they will sell a bunch of them.



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Interesting. So if I post what I'd consider to be the perfect PCB design and list the BOM here, I'll just have to wait a couple of weeks before it shows up somewhere, cheaper than I could possibly prototype it myself?

Hmmm... I might just do that.

Please, do that.

If they follow your PCB design and components selection I may purchase 50 pieces of such board. If they do exactly as you designed it
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
We should post several designs, perhaps a "reference quality" design and attach a poll it so people can vote and say this is the design they like. This will give the makers in China or HK some confidence that folks will buy and they will go build it. It's kind of cool - like a free custom boutique fab service that gives mass market prices. I have seen it happen once before where someone was selling the 3116D2 TI Eval board, verbatim with TI silk screen logo.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Interesting. So if I post what I'd consider to be the perfect PCB design and list the BOM here, I'll just have to wait a couple of weeks before it shows up somewhere, cheaper than I could possibly prototype it myself?

Hmmm... I might just do that.

The speed at which this was done is shocking actually. I remember when the 3118D2 thread started, you had to buy the $150 eval board or make it yourself. This thread started because the OP could not buy one off the shelf. Now look at all the choices - just mind blowing. I don't think the Tripath ever enjoyed this level of "me too" duplication and offerings.
Interesting. So if I post what I'd consider to be the perfect PCB design and list the BOM here, I'll just have to wait a couple of weeks before it shows up somewhere, cheaper than I could possibly prototype it myself?

Hmmm... I might just do that.

This is the ideal win-win-win situation :)

TI wins (more chips sold)
The Chinese manufacturers win
The diyers win
The speed at which this was done is shocking actually. I remember when the 3118D2 thread started, you had to buy the $150 eval board or make it yourself. This thread started because the OP could not buy one off the shelf. Now look at all the choices - just mind blowing. I don't think the Tripath ever enjoyed this level of "me too" duplication and offerings.

Tripath unfortunately went bust a long time before class D diy became mainstream so availability of chips have always been questionable. And the TI chips are far simpler to design PCBs for as much fewer external parts are needed.

Tripath mainly went bust due to being an upstart company without necessary capital to secure a foothold in the market (market here meaning the consumer electronics market, not the DIY market which is secondary). Who knows what they could have come up with if research and development had not stopped over 12 years ago.
So here its another idea to yuan-jing...

At least this time I hope they send me a few boards!!!...hehehe!!!

By the way... all the gurus!!!... its totally free to coments all little things that you could see in my board!!!!... Its still a draft but, many things to add and to finish... but all comments are welcome!!!


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Mystery solved -- the Breeze 2.1 amp works

Hi all,

About a week ago (in post #1310) I asked for help regarding my new Breeze amp not working properly. I just want to provide an update about the situation (at least for the reason of trying to be fair to the maker of the Breeze amp).

It turned out that the amp works. It just could not handle the load presented by the DIY speakers I hooked the amp to. Each of the speakers includes a fullrange driver (FF85wk, run without a crossover) and two helper woofers connected in parallel (to give a nominal 4 ohm impedance) and with a passive 2nd-order low-pass filter at 150Hz. It appears that this setup presented such a difficult low-impedance load to the amp that the amp would get overloaded when the volume was barely turned up. It occurred to me that the load must be the cause of the problem when I hooped up the same speakers to the Sure TPA3110 amp board ($10 from Parts Express) and got the same cutting-in-and-out behavior. The fix was very simple -- I just added a capacitor before the fullrange driver to roll off the low below around 150Hz. The Breeze amp can now drive the modified DIY speakers without any problem. Also, both the Breeze amp and the TPA3110 amp have no problem driving my Speakerlab K speakers. In fact, I'm now using the TPA3110 amp powered by an SLA battery to drive the K speakers. I still need to figure out why this amp sounds different from my DIY LM3875-based chip amp, but I like the combination of the K speakers and this tiny minimalist-looking amp board.

So, the lesson learned here is that these class-D amps do not like difficult low-impedance loads.

Hi all,

About a week ago (in post #1310) I asked for help regarding my new Breeze amp not working properly. I just want to provide an update about the situation (at least for the reason of trying to be fair to the maker of the Breeze amp).

It turned out that the amp works. It just could not handle the load presented by the DIY speakers I hooked the amp to. Each of the speakers includes a fullrange driver (FF85wk, run without a crossover) and two helper woofers connected in parallel (to give a nominal 4 ohm impedance) and with a passive 2nd-order low-pass filter at 150Hz. It appears that this setup presented such a difficult low-impedance load to the amp that the amp would get overloaded when the volume was barely turned up. It occurred to me that the load must be the cause of the problem when I hooped up the same speakers to the Sure TPA3110 amp board ($10 from Parts Express) and got the same cutting-in-and-out behavior. The fix was very simple -- I just added a capacitor before the fullrange driver to roll off the low below around 150Hz. The Breeze amp can now drive the modified DIY speakers without any problem. Also, both the Breeze amp and the TPA3110 amp have no problem driving my Speakerlab K speakers. In fact, I'm now using the TPA3110 amp powered by an SLA battery to drive the K speakers. I still need to figure out why this amp sounds different from my DIY LM3875-based chip amp, but I like the combination of the K speakers and this tiny minimalist-looking amp board.

So, the lesson learned here is that these class-D amps do not like difficult low-impedance loads.


Which amp can drive that short circuit ? :)

Please read datasheets for better understanding of class D. Low impedance need not to be a problem but filter must be changed etc. Impedance of the speakers must lie within a certain range with most class D chips. Low impedance is driven fine but not ultra low impedance and/or difficult complex loads (strongly capacitive/inductive) so outside the specified range.
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We should post several designs, perhaps a "reference quality" design and attach a poll it so people can vote and say this is the design they like. This will give the makers in China or HK some confidence that folks will buy and they will go build it. It's kind of cool - like a free custom boutique fab service that gives mass market prices. I have seen it happen once before where someone was selling the 3116D2 TI Eval board, verbatim with TI silk screen logo.
A free Kickstarter project! It's a fantastic marketing ploy. They will bring it to market faster than anything that can be done in the states anyway, and at super low prices. I love the concept. :) Yuan Jing are you listening?

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