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Twisted Pear Audio - Buffalo32S (ES9018 DAC)

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I am also a late adopter of the 32S, bought S/H from a member here after nerve wrecking attempts to buy a BII. Completed a month ago, still in a temporary set (in a old empty chassis from a 100W amp kit from Velleman). So far, really good with volumite directly in a set of active Tannoys in balanced.

May i report that this board seems to respond well to the sand bag tweak à la Jon Risch, i've tested this for the past 3 days much to my (grinning) satisfaction. Other owners might want to investigate...
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In my case, i am using a zip bag filled with about 800 gr of sand, covering the entire board and + 3cms on L/R lateral side (using what i had handy).
i had concerns about the heat melting the plastic zip lock in the beginning since the board get quite warm on their own, but it turns out sand is getting only slightly warmer than my hand after 24hr turn on (20° ambient) so it's ok for now.

"Amp "( Dac) case is sitting on the floor for now, resting on half inflated inner bicycle tyre.

I will keep this "tweak" when i will put my dac in its final case.
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i had concerns about the heat melting the plastic zip lock in the beginning since the board get quite warm on their own

A bigger concern will be overheating the components on the board, since they will no longer have adequate ventilation. I would not recommend doing this.

That being said, as long as you understand the risks, feel free to tweak and experiment; I in no way wish to dissuade people from doing so.
Indeed. Heat is a concern. The Sabre chip was quite hot to the touch on its own. With the sand bag i can't tell for sure.

I did a search today and even the most conservative figures of thermal conductivity for sand and the Polyethylhene film from the ziploc seem to be at least 5...10 times better than air:

Air: 0.024 w/m.°c
Sand: 0.15 >> 0,25 w/m.°c (I've seen much higher figures around)
Polyethylhene: 0,25 w/m.°c

Maybe i am missing something? if thermal build up is a concern, i could heatsink the sand bag itself. Oh well. I do like what hear though. Though decisions...
I haven't felt a serious need to upgrade from 32S. Upgraditis strikes every now and then (I admit I've added the Buffalo III in the cart a couple of times :eek: ) but other projects keep me busy.
Plus I must say it stood it's ground pretty well in head-to-head shootouts with the newer Buffalos.

I like your idea Russ.
You could have a 32S Rev2.0 as an alternative in your lineup.
Hi Russ or Brian - - I have a Buffalo 32S I am about to build, ( I just bought the wire and solder --- thanks for Russ's help on wire size ) - - - Next Question before I begin ... I have 1-each 32S Dac, 1-each LCDPS, 2-each LCBPS, 2-each 15VA-15v Transformers, 1-each 15VA-9v Transformer - all bought from Twisted Pair Audio, - I am just begining this project and as a newbie would like to make sure all three supplys can be used on the One 32S Board.... is this correct? - Thank You for any help, Sincerely, dean
Hi Russ or Brian - - I have a Buffalo 32S I am about to build, ( I just bought the wire and solder --- thanks for Russ's help on wire size ) - - - Next Question before I begin ... I have 1-each 32S Dac, 1-each LCDPS, 2-each LCBPS, 2-each 15VA-15v Transformers, 1-each 15VA-9v Transformer - all bought from Twisted Pair Audio, - I am just begining this project and as a newbie would like to make sure all three supplys can be used on the One 32S Board.... is this correct? - Thank You for any help, Sincerely, dean

Correct; I am using apprx the same configuration.



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Hi Scanspeakman, Thank You for the reply !!!
- What are the other boards that are in your chassis???
I am looking also for some kind of Pre -regulation after the Transformers , before the PSU boards - like CRC or something ... would that help clean up the power a little more? Anyone have some advice? Thank You , Kind Regards, dean
Thanks Brian !!! - I guess that I have seen other people that have done more power supply work and say that your Great Buffalo Dac really responds to improved PSUs !..... and I wanted to do something more! But I don't have the bucks right now to buy a better PSU like shunts from you ........ but I could afford a few caps and other parts to mod the psu , So I was looking for any Ideas that others had tried , that had helped ... diy..... it's a disease : ) Kind Regards, dean
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