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Twisted Pear Audio - Buffalo32S (ES9018 DAC)

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When one buys firmware . . . What do you actually get ?

I ordered some things including firmware, the package came.

I got all kinds of goodies, boards & components

but as I don't know what form firmware comes in I have no Idea whether I got it or not ???? :xeye:

can someone enlighten me please

Buffalo32S Test Results

So, here it is folks. :)

I have for you the first measurements for Buffalo32S. :)

Naked board no case or any shielding.

I am very, very, pleased.

I could have achieved a bit better DNR if I used some more aggressive filtering, but the trade off would have been higher output impedance. All in all I am extremely happy. Especially since you can drive headphones etc directly from this DAC.

For instance the ESS demo board measures slightly better, but has a very high output impedance. That's the trade off. Now if you drive cables with a high impedance and have to add an additional stage to drive your headphones you will probably end up with for worse spec then if you went directly out of the Buffalo32S. :)

Anyway I am very very pleased. :hphones: 127db DNR is perfectly fine by me. :)

I enjoy listening to it much better than measuring it. :yes:
DNR          THD+N 1kHz  THD+N 20kHz
Single Ended Output
-123                -117             -117
Single Stage Differential Output
-129                -116             -117
Normal Differential Output(low impedance)
-127                -118             -117

mikelm said:
mmm - very impressive that ur 20kHz Figures are the same as 1KHz

Can I ask what power supplies you used during this test and what is the current status of placid ?

can't wait to hear it



Huge kudos to Brian for getting the prototypes done so quickly. It would not have happened without him there.

The supplies were bone stock LCDPS and LCBPS. :)

Placid works well and I use it form time to time, but it still needs some redesign to be ready for the public. :)

I will keep you guys posted on our site about Placid.

Ap Fft

Here is the FFT at 1khz 0db. :)


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