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Twisted Pear Audio - Buffalo32S (ES9018 DAC)

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I hit the the 'add to cart' button on the zero but nothing happened .....
I guess I'm missing quite a lot (?!?) .... By the way the web counter is still counting down here in GMT land. So if you dozed off over your Friday night takeaway ... you're in some kind of 4th dimension!

I'm quite disappointed, to say the least. Well done, good marketing.
AC1 with Buffalo32S and MUX working!

Today I have been busy writing firmware for AC1/Femto that controls the Buffalo32S and Mux with these features.

Volume (RE and IR)
L/R balance (IR)
Mute (IR)
SRC selection (IR)

The display is VFD. :)

It is working perfectly. :)

I will probably also allow setting of certain registers. But I am not sure which or how yet.



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It just goes to show practice makes perfect - the purchase
involves about 4-5 steps to get to the payout stage with paypal
you need to rehearse this so that when you're trying to
make the payment you're doing things automatically and not
thinking about 'going through the hoops'

So I did all this without a response several times - the buy button
for me was never active at any stage, BUT the 'CART' icon was loaded
that's how I think I have made the purchase.

Reminds me of the RUN DMC song ... 'It's Tricky...'

Yours Sincerely
Buffalo Purchase

Russ & Brian:
I was there just in time to get an "add to cart" button, which I pushed, so I thought I bought one. I finished my conversation with my client thinking I'd gotten in on the first queue. But there's no cart and there's no request for payment. Does that mean I didn't actually buy one?
[EDIT] OK, I see that I might have pushed the "add to cart" button on time, but there was a glitch in me getting in the queue. I'll be back in line for the next batch, getting up at 5:00 a.m.! Oy.[end EDIT]
Russ White said:
This first batch of buf32S was pretty small because it was untested. We have a much larger batch coming. Now that we know it works. :)

We know its a bummer to miss out. But we are trying to be as fair as we can.

Brian and I are both stunned at how quickly the buffalo got out of the pen.

I guess we just need a bigger herd. :)


hi Russ,

what's mean with the next (large) batch? the buf32 without IVYII integrated or the round of 11 hours late?
avr300 said:

If they are gone in seconds, will there be a 2. run ?

woodturner-fran said:
Good lord lads, I reckon they sold out in about 15 secs!

Yes, there will be a much larger batch next run. This was the very first PCB layout, we took a chance ordering enough to offer some to sell. If it had turned out a turkey we would have ate it. But fortunately its pure bison. :)

One again I apologize to those who missed this run,. But please be patient we will get the next batch done as quickly as we can.

There is at least is tomorrow's batch still. :)

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